Results: 7404

Diferencias institucionales en el insuficiente acceso efectivo a medicamentos prescritos en instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud en Perú: análisis de la Encuesta Nacional de Satisfacción de Usuarios de los Servicios de Salud (ENSUSALUD 2014)

RESUMEN Objetivos Estimar la prevalencia de insuficiente acceso efectivo a medicamentos (IAEM) y sus factores asociados en usuariosque reciben prescripción médica en la consulta ambulatoria de instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud (IPRESS) en Perú. Materiales y métodos Se realizó un an...

Eating behaviors, body image, perfectionism, and self-esteem in a sample of Portuguese girls

Objective: Eating disorders are an increasingly prevalent health problem among adolescent girls. It is well known that biological, psychosocial, and family-related factors interact in the development of this group of disorders. However, the mechanisms underlying the interaction between these variables ar...

Mid- and long-term anxiety levels associated with presymptomatic testing of Huntington's Disease, Machado-Joseph Disease, Machado-Joseph disease, and familial amyloid polyneuropathy

Objective: To study anxiety as a variable of the mid- and long-term psychological impact of pre-symptomatic testing for three autosomal dominant late-onset disorders – Huntington’s disease (HD), Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) and familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) TTR V30M – in a Portu...

Intimate partner violence trends in Brazil: data from two waves of the Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey

Objective: To compare intimate partner violence (IPV) prevalence rates in 2006 and 2012 in a nationally representative household sample in Brazil. The associations between IPV and substance use were also investigated. Methods: IPV was assessed using the Conflict Tactic Scale-R in two waves (2006/2012) o...

The Mood Rhythm Instrument: development and preliminary report

Objective: To describe the initial steps in the development and validation of a new self-reported instrument designed to assess daily rhythms of mood symptoms, namely, the Mood Rhythm Instrument. Methods: A multidisciplinary group of experts took part in systematic meetings to plan the construction of t...

Childhood trauma and dimensions of depression: a specific association with the cognitive domain

Objective: To investigate associations between a history of childhood trauma and dimensions of depression in a sample of clinically depressed patients. Methods: A sample of 217 patients from a mood-disorder outpatient unit was investigated with the Beck Depression Inventory, the Hamilton Depression Rati...

Harm to others from alcohol: the role of socio-cultural variables

Acta bioeth; 22 (1), 2016
This paper describes the changes in alcohol research, from a traditional individual focus on individual bodily and mental effects, to a broader focus on harm to others. This shift has coincided with broader sequential definitions of the progression from normal through harmful alcohol dependence, both in ...

Valores organizacionales según médicos y enfermeros de tres centros hospitalarios de Bogotá

Acta bioeth; 22 (1), 2016
Este artículo presenta uno de los objetivos de una tesis doctoral titulada "Tensiones que emergen entre los tipos de clima ético y los conflictos éticos que se presentan a médicos y enfermeros de tres IPS de Bogotá": identificar y describir los valores y principios institucionales que perciben los e...

Breaking the silence of the lambs: integrating medical staff in prevention of human trafficking

Acta bioeth; 22 (1), 2016
Introduction: Human trafficking, including forced prostitution, is a form of human rights violation regarding right to life and respect for human dignity. The Physician-patient relationship may serve as a process for victim identification on the basis of physicians’ responsibilities to detect human traf...