Results: 3722

Silver Diamine Fluoride versus Bioactive Giomer Light-Curing Varnish: An In Vitro Study on Caries Arrest

ABSTRACT Objective To compare the capacity of silver diamine fluoride (30%) and the bioactive giomer light-curing varnish for arresting ICDAS score 5 non-retentive caries lesions. Material and Methods An in vitro analytical study was conducted using 36 healthy primary teeth, in which a cavity was creat...

Qualitative Analysis of Root Canal Treatments performed by Undergraduate Students: A Retrospective Study

ABSTRACT Objective: Toanalyze the technical quality of endodontic treatment carried out at the undergraduate dental clinics. Material and Methods: Random radiographic records of 92 patients' were selected who received endodontic treatment by the undergraduate students from June 2018 to July 2019. The q...

Traumatic Dental Injuries Occurred in Primary Teeth and their Sequel Effects on the Developmental Permanent Successors: A Controlled Study

ABSTRACT Objective: To examine the types of traumatic dental injuries of the primary teeth (TDI-p) and the long-term sequelae on permanent dentition (LSP) comparing with a control group (CG). In addition, a questionnaire that measures parents' knowledge and awareness was used. Material and Methods: The...

Effectiveness of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Therapy on whole Salivary Flow in Patients with Xerostomia and Healthy Adults

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate and compare the effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy on whole salivary flow in patients with xerostomia and healthy adults. Material and Methods: Thirty subjects with a history of xerostomia and subjects withunstimulated salivary fl...

Comparative Evaluation of Surface Roughness of Resin- Modified Glass Ionomer and Glass Hybrid Restorative Materials Simulated by Tooth Brushing: An in-Vitro Study

ABSTRACT Objective: Tocompare the effect of tooth brushing on surface roughness of Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Cement (RMGIC; GC Gold label 2LC Light Cured Universal Restorative) and Glass Hybrid (GH; GC EQUIA SYSTEM- EQUIA Forte™ Fil and EQUIA Forte™ Coat) restorative material at 1- and 3-...

Topography of Primary Molar Pulp Chamber Floor: A Scanning Electron Microscopy and Micro-Computed Tomography Analysis

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine in vitro the frequency, shape, type, diameter, and patency of accessory canals in the primary molars pulp chamber floor. Material and Methods: Sixteen healthy primary molars were evaluated by micro-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy. Descriptive analys...

Success Rate of Contemporary Regenerative Endodontic Therapy and the Expected Outcomes of the Endodontic Microsurgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

ABSTRACT Objective: To examine the level of the accumulating success of the modern Resin-Based Endodontic Surgery (RES) and comparison with Endodontic Microsurgery (EMS) and finally offer a replacement at the predicted final results of EMS. Material and Methods: MEDLINE, PubMed, Cochrane Library, Embas...

In Vitro Study of Tooth Surfaces After Interproximal Enamel Reduction: Extraoral Scanner and SEM Analysis

ABSTRACT Objective To perform a morphological evaluation concerning the extent of interproximal enamel reduction (IPR) with different manual instruments in different types of teeth and a qualitative analysis of enamel surface characteristics at the contact point before and after IPR. Material and Metho...

Comparison of Bracket Position Accuracy with Different CAD/CAM Indirect Bonding Systems

ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the accuracy of three different digital bracket positioning systems, comparing vertical, mesiodistal and buccolingual accuracy. Material and Methods The same case was sent to Orapix, Insignia, and Orthocad systems and the brackets were bonded to the malocclusion models.Da...

Cephalometric for Orthognathic Surgery (COGS) Analysis for Saudi Population

ABSTRACT Objective: To establish the cephalometric (Ceph.) norm by Ceph. for orthognathic surgery (COGS) analysis for Saudi population. Material and Methods: 500 adult Saudi samples (250 males and 250 females) with the age range of 18-30 years old were selected for this study. The selections of samples...