O Programa Nacional de Assistência Estudantil (Pnaes) é uma estratégia que objetiva garantir o acesso, a permanência e a conclusão do curso por estudantes das Instituições Federais de Educação Superior (Ifes), visando à igualdade de oportunidades no recente contexto de expansão da educação s...
O uso de drogas entre adolescentes em conflito com a lei aparece com frequência nos estudos nacionais e internacionais, despertando preocupações sobre a associação entre essas duas variáveis e suas consequências à saúde dessa população. Por meio de revisão integrativa de literatura, buscou-se...
Abstract This article has two interrelated objectives: to introduce the Colombian Political Agendas Project (COL-PAP) and offer an exploratory example of the applications of its databases. As a prelude, we describe some characteristics of the Colombian political system and the presidents analyzed. The st...
Resumo: Consideramos a atenção pública voltada à segurança da criança no trânsito tendo por base a abordagem, de inspiração foucaultiana, What's the Problem Represented to Be?, (WPR) de Carol Bacchi. A premissa, neste estudo, reside em utilizar textos de políticas e propostas de políticas visa...
Abstract This article seeks to understand the circumstances that culminated in the formulation and implementation of the National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PNSR) in the 1980s, using the Multiple Streams Model as its theoretical reference. The results show that the theme's ascension to th...
Abstract This article aims to advance the discussion about the influence of knowledge and policy learning on policy change, taking the Advocacy Coalition Framework as reference. We propose unlinking the comprehension of learning through change in two perspectives. First, we suggest apprehending the relat...
Abstract Public policies face major challenges to their consolidation and stability that force rulers to make significant political efforts to keep them alive. Some of these challenges occur by the adjustment of the policy's idea as an attempt to reduce the possible difficulties caused by public confront...
Abstract The Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) collects, organizes, and makes freely available millions of bits of information concerning the objects of government attention over long periods of time (often back to the Second World War) for more than 25 political systems, worldwide. As researchers affili...
Abstract This article aims to present a brief reflection on the studies in the field of the public policy agenda. To this end, the text presents the main theoretical and methodological developments on the subject found in the international literature, with an emphasis on three fundamental contributions: ...
O artigo apresenta e discute a Teoria da Psicologia do Trabalhar (TPT), demonstrando sua relevância para as teorias de carreira e sua pertinência no atual mundo do trabalho e contexto brasileiro. A TPT abarca a experiência de trabalhar de todas as pessoas, inclusive grupos em desvantagem socioeconômi...