Results: 5032

Perfil epidemiológico de Staphylococcus spp. isolados de hemoculturas de pacientes internados em um hospital de atenção terciária da rede pública do Ceará

Staphylococcus spp. vem ganhando destaque em infecções na corrente sanguínea (ICS), apresentando alta prevalência, multirresistência e considerável poder de letalidade. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a prevalência e traçar o perfil de sensibilidade das espécies de Staphylococcus...

Synergistic effects of binary mixtures of linalool with pyrethroids against fall armyworm

Biosci. j. (Online); 36 (Supplement1), 2020
The present work aimed to determine the toxicity of linalool and evaluate the lethal and toxic effects of linalool associated with pyrethroids in binary mixtures to fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda). The insects used in the experiment were obtained from stock breeding initiated from larvae collected ...

Efeitos adversos às drogas antituberculose: hepatotoxicidade

Objetivo: Verificar a frequência de efeitos adversos em pacientes em uso de drogas antituberculose de primeira linha, além dos fatores de risco associados aos efeitos adversos e à hepatotoxicidade. Métodos: Estudo transversal, envolvendo 196 pacientes portadores de tuberculose em Maceió (AL), de ...

Ongoing living update of potential COVID-19 therapeutics: summary of rapid systematic reviews - 18 December 2020

This is the thirteenth edition of this summary of rapid systematic reviews, which includes the results of currently available literature. More than 200 therapeutic options or their combinations are being investigated in more than 1,700 clinical trials. In this review, 58 therapeutic options are examined....

Effect of hydrochloric acid commercial presentation for microabrasion technique on loss of enamel structure and surface

Introdução: A técnica de microabrasão pode ser realizada através de pasta pronta para uso, disponível comercialmente, ou o profissional pode manipulá-la no consultório. Objetivo: Verificar o efeito da apresentação comercial do ácido clorídrico a 10% na manipulação de pasta para microabrasã...

Guía de práctica clínica para el diagnóstico y manejo de la infección por Helicobacter Pylori en enfermedades gastroduodenales

La infección por Helicobacter pylori (HP) es la infección crónica más común en humanos (1, 2). Se trata de una bacteria gram negativa espiralada, microaerofílica (3) que por su contenido en ureasa, motilidad y capacidad para adherirse al epitelio gástrico puede sobrevivir y proliferar en el medio ...

Factores que influyen en la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes infectados con VIH

Más Vita; 2 (3,Extraord), 2020
La adherencia al tratamiento constituye actualmente una de las principales preocupaciones en relación al control del VIH/sida, asociándose fuertemente al éxito o fracaso terapéutico. Este estudio muestra la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral identificando diversos factores que podrían ser fac...

Autophagy activation attenuates the neurotoxicity of local anesthetics by decreasing caspase-3 activity in rats

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 70 (6), 2020
Abstract Background and objectives The mechanisms by which local anesthetics cause neurotoxicity are very complicated. Apoptosis and autophagy are highly coordinated mechanisms that maintain cellular homeostasis against stress. Studies have shown that autophagy activation serves as a protective mechanis...

Effect of pre-administered flurbiprofen axetil on the EC50 of propofol during anesthesia in unstimulated patients: a randomized clinical trial

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 70 (6), 2020
Abstract Background and objectives Preoperative use of flurbiprofen axetil (FA) is extensively adopted to modulate the effects of analgesia. However, the relationship between FA and sedation agents remains unclear. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of different doses of FA on the median...

Analysis of the endometrial transcriptome at the time of implantation in women receiving a single post-ovulatory dose of levonorgestrel or mifepristone

Rev. invest. clín; 72 (6), 2020
Abstract Background: Levonorgestrel (LNG) is a progesterone receptor agonist used in both regular and emergency hormonal contraception; however, its effects on the endometrium as a contraceptive remain widely unknown and under public debate. Objective: To analyze the effects of LNG or mifepristone (MFP...