Results: 729

Use of and access to oral and injectable contraceptives in Brazil

Rev. saúde pública; 50 (supl.2), 2016
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the prevalence of current use of oral and injectable contraceptives by Brazilian women, according to demographic and socioeconomic variables and issues related to access to those medicines. METHODS A cross-sectional, population-based analytical study with probability sam...

Polypharmacy and Polymorbidity in Older Adults in Brazil: a public health challenge

Rev. saúde pública; 50 (supl.2), 2016
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze variations in the prevalence of chronic use of medicines by older adults in Brazil according to its possible association with the most prevalent chronic diseases and demographic and health factors, and to identify risk factors for polypharmacy. METHODS A study based on d...

Access to and use of high blood pressure medications in Brazil

Rev. saúde pública; 50 (supl.2), 2016
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the access to and use of medicines for high blood pressure among the Brazilian population according to social and demographic conditions. METHODS Analysis of data from Pesquisa Nacional Sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos (PNAUM –...

Use of generic medicines by the Brazilian population: an evaluation of PNAUM 2014

Rev. saúde pública; 50 (supl.2), 2016
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the existence of differences in the use of generic medicines in Brazil according to demographic and socioeconomic variables and acquisition sources of the medicines. METHODS Population-based cross-sectional study, conducted with data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Acesso,...

Use of medicines and other products for therapeutic purposes among children in Brazil

Rev. saúde pública; 50 (supl.2), 2016
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To assess the prevalence of the use of medicines and other products for therapeutic purposes in the Brazilian pediatric population and test whether demographic, socioeconomic and health factors are associated with use. METHODS A cross-sectional population-based study (National Surv...

Self-reported halitosis and associated demographic and behavioral factors

Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract Halitosis is still poorly studied in young adults. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of self-reported halitosis and associate it with demographic and behavioral factors in young adult dental students. This cross-sectional study was designed as a census of students enrolled in ...

Accuracy of clinical diagnosis for the identification of potentially malignant disorders and malignant lip lesions

Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of clinical diagnosis for lip lesions based on sensitivity and specificity. The retrospective analysis focused on the detection of lesions caused by potentially malignant disorders (PMDs) and malignant lesions (n = 1195). All cases were classifie...

Frecuencia de reingresos hospitalarios y factores asociados en afiliados a una administradora de servicios de salud en Colombia

Resumen: Los reingresos hospitalarios son frecuentes y costosos, en Colombia existe poca información. El objetivo fue establecer la frecuencia de reingresos hospitalarios por cualquier causa a 30 días y factores asociados. Se trata de un estudio analítico con cohorte retrospectiva 64.969 hospitalizaci...

Mortality and potential years of life lost by road traffic injuries in Brazil, 2013

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the potential years of life lost by road traffic injuries three years after the beginning of the Decade of Action for Traffic Safety. METHODS We analyzed the data of the Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM - Mortality Information System) related to road traf...

Enfermedad de Hailey- Hailey: reporte de casos entre los años 2001 y 2016 en un hospital universitario y revisión de la literatura
Hailey-Hailey disease: case report among the years 2001 and 2016 in a university hospital and review of the literature

Rev. chil. dermatol; 32 (2), 2016
Introducción: La enfermedad de Hailey-Hailey (pénfigo crónico familiar benigno) es una dermatosis ampollar, de evolución crónica, recidivante, autosómica dominante, de penetrancia y expresividad variables, localizada predominantemente en los pliegues. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la base ...