Results: 1491

Embeddings or disembeddings? a discussion about physical education and proposals for high school

ABSTRACT In addition to discussing Physical Education and its curricula from the advent of recent educational policies, this article also proposes to move an important debate on the last stage of Basic Education, High School. This article presents analyses developed from the research that aimed to reflec...

Mentoring as a professional development strategy for a high-performance basketball coach

ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to analyze mentoring as a training strategy in the developed of a high-performance basketball coach. Mentoring intervention was carried out over 11 months aiming at the development of reflective practice of a high-performance basketball coach engaged in national and ...

Formación doctoral en práctica y filosofía de la ciencia de enfermería: dos vías para trascender la utopía de una práctica docta: ensayo
Doctoral training in practice and philosophy of nursing science: two ways to transcend the utopia of a doct practice: essay

Cult. cuid. enferm; 17 (1), 2020
La Educación en enfermería avanzada ha revolucionado las ciencias y las tendencias de acuerdo con el ritmo del mundo indica, que el epicentro de formación en investigación está en la práctica del cuidado.Objetivo: reflexionar sobre la formación Doctoral en enfermería desde los doctorados...

Educational actions: an action research with Family Health Strategy professionals and users

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (5), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify the factors that influence educational actions, and building with professionals and users proposed educational strategies that encourage popular participation. Methods: an action research, in which individual interviews, participant observation and Focus Group were con...

Generating meaningful conversation: World Café in strategic interprofessional planning in Continuing Education

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (5), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to present the particularities of the World Café, identifying the main aspects that characterize a planning strategy for a constructive, interactive, and participative dialogue of the individuals, aiming at collaborative and innovative learning. Methods: a World Café method works...

Art therapy and education between peers connecting the group: an experience report

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (5), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: to report the "Talent Workshop: Art Therapy Connects the Group". Method: this is an experience report of a workshop developed in November 2018, in 3 meetings, at the Family Clinic setting - Rio de Janeiro. Twenty-eight users participated, including diabetics and health professionals...

Características de profesores que consultan por queja vocal en IST Viña del Mar entre los años 2012 y 2017

Introducción: el docente es un profesional que presenta riesgo para el desarrollo de patologías vocales consideradas enfermedades laborales. En Viña del Mar, el Ins-tituto de seguridad del trabajo (IST) es un centro de referencia para las atenciones médicas de enfermedades laborales. El objetivo del ...

Dinámica de la formación sanitarista interactiva del análisis de la situación de salud en la intervención comunitaria
Dynamics of interactive health training for the analysis of the health situation in community intervention

Educ. med. super; 34 (3), 2020
Introducción:En la asignatura Salud Pública de la carrera medicina el análisis de la situación de salud alcanza su máxima concreción curricular.Objetivo:Evaluar la pertinencia científico-metodológica del modelo de la dinámica de la formación sanitarista interactiva del análisis de la situació...

What are life skills and how to integrate them within sports in brazil to promote positive youth development?

ABSTRACT Sport has been identified as a favourable tool for promoting positive youth development (PYD). Moreover, the development of life skills is highlighted for supporting youth to thrive in and beyond sport. Due to the limited discussions in Brazil regarding PYD and life skills both in research and i...

Influência dos programas de educação sobre o sono de crianças e adolescentes: revisão integrativa

Resumo Objetivo: Identificar na literatura a influência de programas educativos de sono, no sono dos lactentes, crianças e adolescentes. Métodos: Estudo de revisão integrativa, através de pesquisa na base de dados bibliográficas online Pubmed® e no agregador de base de dados EBSCOhost®, com os ...