Results: 246

Arterial variations within the lateral cervical region: a multidetector CT angiography study

Int. j. morphol; 37 (3), 2019
It is important to know the arterial anatomy within the lateral cervical region before the flap-planning. We evaluated the arterial anatomy in this area using multidetector computed tomography (CT) angiography and our aim was to establish the arterial variations. Both sides of individuals in a total numb...

Anatomical investigation of the vascular supply of the suprarenal glands in fetuses

Int. j. morphol; 37 (3), 2019
The suprarenal glands are bilaterally supplied by three suprarenal arteries and drained by a single suprarenal vein. Variable vascular origins of the fetal suprarenal gland have been documented in different population groups viz. Indian, Polish and Argentinian. However, there is lack of a detailed descri...

A rare variation of suprascapular artery originated from the axillary artery

Int. j. morphol; 37 (3), 2019
SUMMARY: The suprascapular artery (SSA) has been identified to be of clinical relevance to clavicular fracture, suprascapular neuropathy and surgical intervention of shoulder. Thus its origin and course have been intensively studied. In this case, we found a unilateral variation of the suprascapular arte...

Pre-operative embolization of thyroid arteries in a case of refractory amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis. Case report

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 47 (3), 2019
Abstract Introduction: Amiodarone has become one of the main antiarrhythmic drugs. However, it may cause a wide variety of adverse effects, sometimes severe. Amiodarone-induced thyroid dysfunction is one of the best known problems, resulting in either thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism. Case presentation...

Postoperative results of 407 patients submitted to Doppler-guided transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization

ABSTRACT Introduction: The treatment of hemorrhoidal disease by conventional technique is associated with significant morbidity, mainly represented by the postoperative pain and the late return to daily activities. A technique of hemorrhoidal dearterialization associated with rectal mucopexy is a minima...

Lesión aterosclerótica en arterias coronarias de fallecidos por muerte violenta en edad pediátrica
Atherosclerotic coronary arteries lesion in pediatric violent deaths

Rev. cuba. med. mil; 48 (1), 2019
Introducción: La aterosclerosis es una enfermedad que comienza con la unión del óvulo y el espermatozoide, se desarrolla con el paso del tiempo en estrecha relación con estilos de vida, y está entre las primeras causas básicas de muerte a nivel mundial. Hay que conocerla desde sus inicios para pode...

Preliminary study on functional and aesthetic reconstruction by using a small artery-only free medial flap of the second toe for fingertip injuries

Clinics; 74 (), 2019
OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to introduce the feasibility of fingertip reconstruction by using a free medial flap of the second toe without vein anastomosis. METHODS: In total, 8 patients with fingertip injuries were treated successfully with this method. Patients who underwent reconstruction fro...

Aneurisma de arteria testicular: reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

Resumen: Introducción: El aneurisma de la arteria testicular es poco frecuente; el término se describe como la dilatación de cualquier vaso sanguíneo en el cuerpo. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 15 años con un aneurisma de la arteria testicular izquierda sin ningún anteceden...

Una propuesta de clasificación del complejo arteria cerebelosa anteroinferior – arteria subarcuata basada en el desarrollo embriológico
A proposed classification of the anteroinferior cerebellar artery - subarcuate artery complex based on embryological development

Rev. argent. neurocir; 32 (4), 2018
Introducción: El recorrido del “loop subarcuato” de la arteria cerebelosa anteroinferior (ACAI) presenta múltiples variaciones que condicionan además su principal eferencia, la arteria subarcuata (ASA). El espectro de variaciones de este complejo ha sido referido en la literatura de forma inconexa...

Clip Ovesco® como tratamiento de rescate en lesión de Dieulafoy duodenal con sangrado activo

Las lesiones de Dieulafoy se definen como una anomalía vascular que producen un sangrado en la mucosa proveniente de una arteria submucosa anormalmente larga y tortuosa que se ubican principalmente en estómago (80%), con poca frecuencia a nivel duodenal y constituyen el 6% de los sangrados gastrointest...