SUMMARY: The variations in the serratus anterior (SA) muscle are common. Here, we report a rare variation of the muscle origin with a potentially great clinical implication. We found an aberrant SA variation in an 81-year-old Korean male cadaver during a routine dissection for medical students. Additiona...
SUMMARY: Variations of the axillary artery may have clinical implications capable of generating unexpected situations during surgical procedures of arterial reconstruction or vascular catheterization. The objective of this work was to report the finding of an anatomical variant of the axillary artery, wh...
RESUMEN: La utilidad de los puntos craneométricos en neurocirugía radica en la estudiada relación que poseen con las estructuras encefálicas y vasculares que subyacen, siendo relevantes al momento de planificar y realizar diversos abordajes y disminuir la morbilidad asociada. A pesar de esto, hasta e...
RESUMEN: Las lesiones del nervio fibular común y/o sus ramos derivados trae como consecuencia, pérdida total o parcial de la capacidad para realizar flexión dorsal del complejo tobillo-pie, una opción viable para tratar esta patología es la transferencia nerviosa, que consiste en utilizar un nervio ...
SUMMARY: Fetal-type variant of the posterior cerebral artery is a relatively common variant of the cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis), but concurrent cerebral pathologies have not been well reported. We describe a case of fetal-type variant of the posterior cerebral artery and concurrent bilater...
SUMMARY: This study aimed to accurately localize the location and depth of the centre of the highest region of muscle spindle abundance (CHRMSA) of the triceps brachii muscle. Twenty-four adult cadavers were placed in the prone position. The curve connecting the acromion and lateral epicondyle of the hum...
SUMMARY: This study aimed to determine the anatomical connections between the inferior fibers of M. orbicularis oculi (OOc inf.) and the M. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (LLSAN), providing anatomical variations of the connecting fibers. This study examined the OOc and LLSAN of 44 specimens from 2...
SUMMARY: Cranial nerve injury is one of the neurologic complications following carotid endarterectomy. The hypoglossal nerve is one of the most frequently injured nerves during carotid endarterectomy. Guidelines suggest that proper anatomic knowledge is crucial to avoid cranial nerve injury. The aim of t...
SUMMARY: Variations in subclavian artery branches are relatively common and may impact surgical procedures and effects. During educational dissection of a male cadaver, we encountered an extremely rare variation of the right subclavian artery branches. The internal thoracic artery, the thyrocervical trun...
SUMMARY: The current report presented a rare variant of extensor indicis brevis muscle, replacing extensor indicis, in the left hand of an adult male cadaver. The origin of the muscle was reported, for the first time, to be from the distal margins of radius and ulna. The muscle is inserted into the exten...