Results: 213

Health education in Aedes aegypti: case study

ABSTRACT Objectives: Reporting the experience of health education regarding Aedes aegypti in the Federal District. Methods: This is a case report, with descriptive approach, about the experience of nursing practice with education actions against the Aedes aegypti in communities of the Federal District,...

Effect of first aid training on teams from special education schools

ABSTRACT Objectives: Analyze the effect of first aid training on the knowledge of multidisciplinary teams from special education schools, in school accidents. Methods: A quasi-experimental, before-and-after study with a single comparison group. Descriptive statistics and McNemar's test were used to eva...

Teaching implications in the pedagogical training of a technical school

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the teaching implications with the pedagogical training in a Technical School of SUS. Method: a qualitative study that has the Institutional Analysis as theoretical and methodological framework, Institutional Socio-Clinical modality, whose data were collected from July 20...

Health in the school: perceptions of being adolescent

ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand adolescents' perceptions on school health. Methods: qualitative and descriptive research grounded on Maurice Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology, which was developed with 90 adolescent students from a federal school of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Data were produced by gath...

Maternal-child nursing care for adolescent mothers: health education

ABSTRACT Objectives: to develop an educational intervention through a game that addresses aspects related to adolescent motherhood and child care. Methods: this is an action research based on diagnosis, intervention and apprehension stages. Results: the situational diagnosis was based on a literature ...

Art therapy and education between peers connecting the group: an experience report

ABSTRACT Objective: to report the "Talent Workshop: Art Therapy Connects the Group". Method: this is an experience report of a workshop developed in November 2018, in 3 meetings, at the Family Clinic setting - Rio de Janeiro. Twenty-eight users participated, including diabetics and health professionals...

[La displasia fibromuscular es una enfermedad de las arterias de pequeño y mediano calibre que puede generar estenosis, disecciones y aneurismas, que afecta típicamente las arterias renales, carótidas y vertebrales, pero que también puede afectar las arterias ilíacas, femorales, braquiales, mesentéricas y coronarias. Editorial]

Efectos de un programa educativo para cuidadores de pacientes con afecciones respiratorias en el domicilio
Effects of an educational program in caregivers of patients with respiratory diseases in the home

Introducción: La educación en salud en el ámbito domiciliario, es determinante para fortalecer las competencias del equipo de salud. Objetivo: Identificar los efectos de un programa educativo en cuidadores con formación técnica en enfermería de un programa de atención domiciliaria. Métodos: Est...

Posición del Comité Consultivo de Inmunizaciones de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectología en relación a los cuestionamientos de las vacunas y su obligatoriedad

Rev. chil. pediatr; 90 (5), 2019
Resumen: A pesar del enorme impacto de las vacunas en la salud de la población, estas han sido y son objeto de cuestionamientos por grupos que las consideran innecesarias o inseguras y argumentan que las personas tienen el derecho a decidir sobre si estas deben ser administradas o no. Sin embargo el uso...

Salud y seguridad laboral: intervención educativa en trabajadores de limpieza en áreas de investigación

Salud pública Méx; 61 (5), 2019
Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de una intervención educativa sobre salud y seguridad laboral bajo principios de bioseguridad en trabajadores y trabajadoras de limpieza de una institución de salud. Material y métodos: Evaluación con métodos mixtos concurrentes sobre conocimientos, actitu...