Results: 130

Representações sociais de enfermeiras da atenção básica sobre o parto normal

Rev. Ciênc. Plur; 5 (1), 2019
Introdução:A assistência desumanizada no parto pode originar informações negativas que são transmitidas entre as gerações, acarretandoem representações sociais. Dessa forma,representações sociais do parto normal por parte do profissional enfermeiro, um dos protagonistas da ass...

I. The role of research ethics committees in observational studies: epidemiological registries, case reports, interviews, and retrospective studies

Rev. invest. clín; 71 (3), 2019
Abstract It is often unclear to the clinical investigator whether observational studies should be submitted to a research ethics committee (REC), mostly because, in general, no active or additional interventions are performed. Moreover, obtaining an informed consent under these circumstances may be chall...

Patient safety incidents identified by the caregivers of hospitalized children

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze patient safety incidents identified by caregivers of hospitalized children. Method: a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study was carried out with 40 caregivers of children hospitalized in three hospital institutions in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State...

Best practices in the delivery process: conceptions from nurse midwives

ABSTRACT Objective: to know the conceptions of nurse midwives about the care guided in the best practices to the women in the delivery process. Method: descriptive research with a qualitative approach developed in a Federal Maternity-School. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 nurse midwi...

Professional practices of education/training of nurses in an intensive care unit

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the education/training of nurses working in an intensive care unit. Method: Case study with qualitative approach, with an intentional sample. Data collection and analysis used different research techniques, mainly document analysis, interview and field observation. Re...

The social network of adolescents who need special health care

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the social network of adolescents who need special health care. Method: A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study conducted between 2016 and 2017 in the pediatric outpatient clinic of a teaching hospital in southern Brazil. Thirty-five semi-structured interviews w...

Being a nurse, being a counselor: awakening to social control and public health

ABSTRACT Objective: Understand the time of awakening to social control and its contributions from the perspective of health counselor nurses. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight nurses who work/worked as health counselors. The information was analyzed using the thematic analysi...

Rebuilding subjectivity from the experience of cancer and its treatment

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the social representations of chemotherapy and the experiences built by people with cancer. Method: Descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection occurred between August and December 2016, through interviews with 29 cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy...

Critical health-disease transition in the family: Nursing intervention in the lived experience

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyse the strategies found by families to deal with the situation of critical illness, in their lived experience in a family and in an inpatient context. Method: This research fits into a qualitative paradigm and a phenomenological approach, according to Van-Manen. Participants...

Limits and possibilities for teaching and learning about breastfeeding

ABSTRACT Objective: To point out limits and possibilities involved in the teaching and learning process of undergraduate students from Health of a Federal Public Higher Education Institution on breastfeeding. Method: Instantaneous photography study carried out in undergraduate courses in the area of He...