Results: 128

Giant palmar lipoma - an unusual cause of carpal tunnel syndrome

Rev. bras. ortop; 52 (5), 2017
ABSTRACT Lipoma is a quite common type of soft-tissue tumor, but it is rarely found in the hand. Hand lipomas are generally asymptomatic; however, when they become too large or when they are present in some specific location, they can cause symptoms due to compression of the median nerve. These tumors mu...

Submucosal lipoma simulating a malignant tumor of the left colon: a case report

Intestinal lipomas can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, and these tumors are more frequent in the colon. By being largely asymptomatic, colonic lipomas are usually found incidentally, as findings in colonoscopy examinations, in association with biopsy. Endoscopic or surgical resection is the...

Cerebellopontine angle lipoma in asymptomatic patients: case report

Giant oral lipoma: a rare entity

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (5,supl.1), 2016
Abstract Lipomas are very common benign slow-growing soft tissue neoplasms composed of mature adipose tissue mostly diagnosed in the fifth decade of life. These tumors rarely present in the oral cavity, representing less than approximately 5% of all benign mouth tumors. They are usually less than 2cm in ...

Onychogryphosis in tuberous sclerosis complex: an unusual feature

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (5,supl.1), 2016
Abstract Onychogryphosis is an acquired nail plate change. It often affects the toenail and is characterized by an opaque, yellow-brownish nail plate that is distorted, grossly thickened, elongated, and partly curved resembling a ram's horn. Tuberous sclerosis complex is a multisystem disorder associated...

What is your diagnosis?

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (3), 2016
Abstract: CLOVES syndrome is a rare, newly described, and relatively unknown syndrome, related to somatic mutations of the PIK3CA gene. Clinical findings include adipose tissue overgrowth, vascular malformations, epidermal nevi, scoliosis, and spinal deformities. This report deals with a characteristic p...

Angiolipoma intraóseo del calcáneo. Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura
Calcaneous intraosseous angiolipoma. A Case Report and literatura review

Los lipomas intraóseos son considerados como los tumores óseos primarios benignos más raros por su muy poca frecuencia. Su incidencia es menor del 1 por 1.000 entre los tumores primarios y para 2002 se habían publicado menos de 100 casos a nivel mundial. El angiolipoma, es una variante histológica d...

Lipoma suprarrenal en una fémina
Adrenal lipoma in a woman

Medisan; 20 (5), 2016
Se presenta el caso clínico de una mujer de 51 años de edad, clínicamente asintomática, que fue remitida a la consulta de Endocrinología del Hospital “Dr. Federico Bolaños Moreira” en la ciudad de Milagro, Guayas, Ecuador, por hallársele un tumor en la glándula suprarrenal derecha de ...

Lipoma retal com exteriorização anal aguda

Introdução: paciente J.F.M.N, masculino, 44 anos, admitido no setor de emergência com uma volumosa tumoração exteriorizada pelo ânus, acompanhado de hemorragia, dor hipogástrica e parada na eliminação de fezes. Encaminhado para procedimento cirúrgico, foi submetido à ressecção fragmentada po...