Este artículo presenta uno de los objetivos de una tesis doctoral titulada "Tensiones que emergen entre los tipos de clima ético y los conflictos éticos que se presentan a médicos y enfermeros de tres IPS de Bogotá": identificar y describir los valores y principios institucionales que perciben los e...
Introduction: Human trafficking, including forced prostitution, is a form of human rights violation regarding right to life and respect for human dignity. The Physician-patient relationship may serve as a process for victim identification on the basis of physicians responsibilities to detect human traf...
ntrodução: A episiotomia é intervenção instituída rotineiramente no Brasil, a partir da hospitalização do parto, em meados do século XX. Tida como facilitadora do parto no período expulsivo, vem sendo questionada pelas evidências científicas. Comprovou-se que a intervenção não impede lacer...
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the relations between the meanings of working and the levels of doctors work well-being in the context of their working conditions. METHOD The research combined the qualitative methodology of textual analysis and the quantitative one of correspondence factor analysis. A ...
Más de mil millones de personas viven en el mundo en situación de discapacidad. La Medicina Física y Rehabilitación (MFR) o Fisiatría es la especialidad médica que con un enfoque transdisciplinario es responsable de la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento rehabilitador de las personas en situaci...
Objective. To examine the opinions of a perinatal health team regarding decisions related to late termination of pregnancy and severely ill newborns. Materials and Methods. An anonymous questionnaire was administered to physicians, social workers, and nurses in perinatal care. Differences were evaluated ...
ANTECEDENTES: En los últimos años se ha observado un aumento en la prevalência de problemas mentales de origen laboral, incrementando significativamente el promedio anual de días de trabajo perdidos por reposo. Con respecto al posterior reintegro, la evidencia es categórica en afirmar la importancia...
OBJECTIVE: To determine the correlation between burnout syndrome and satisfaction with life in neurologists in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and to identify associated demographic and social/occupational variables. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent by Internet to the 243 members of the Rio de Janeiro Neur...