Results: 281

Diversidad de macro-invertebrados en sistemas silvopastoriles del sur de Quintana Roo, México

Rev. biol. trop; 67 (6), 2019
La diversidad de macro-invertebrados está relacionada con el estado de conservación del suelo, no obstante, la remoción de la cubierta vegetal natural para el establecimiento de sistemas ganaderos extensivos afecta su integridad. Una estrategia para la conservación de estos organismos es la implement...

Efeitos do ensino por problemas sobre a atividade física e aptidão física em escolares

O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as mudanças na atividade física e aptidão física após aulas de Educação Física escolar fundamentadas no ensino por resolução de problemas. Participaram da pesquisa, dois grupos (G1 n = 33 e G2 n=35) compostos por jovens com 17 anos de idade. Os...

Serosurveillance for vaccine-preventable diseases: A look inside the pertussis experience

Biomédica (Bogotá); 39 (supl.2), 2019
Abstract Introduction: Serological surveillance (serosurveillance) provides the most direct measure of herd immunity of vaccine-preventable diseases. Little is known about the opportunities and challenges of serosurveillance experiences, particularly pertussis. Objective: To describe the process of ser...

Do roadkill aggregations of wild and domestic mammals overlap?

Rev. biol. trop; 67 (1), 2019
Abstract Domestic animals are involved in a large number of traffic accidents and they represent danger to humans due to their size. Despite this, few studies consider domestic animals. That is why we evaluate mammals' roadkill aggregations in order to locate them and to determine if wild and domestic ma...

Microbialite-like structures in Cladophora sp. (Ulvophyceae) mats from a subtropical Andean basin: ecological implications

Rev. biol. trop; 67 (1), 2019
Abstract The solubility equilibrium of calcite is influenced by physicochemical, climatic and biological factors. Annual cycles of exceptionally prolonged drought, in conjunction with naturally occurring diffuse organic pollution, generate the unique conditions for the precipitation of lithified carbonat...

Spatial distribution of Euphausiids (Euphausiacea) off Malpelo Island, Colombian Tropical Pacific

Rev. biol. trop; 67 (1), 2019
Abstract Euphausiids migrate vertically in the water column as part of their diel cycle. These migrations make them a key element in the biological pump of the pelagic environment. In order to evaluate the vertical distribution of euphausiids around Malpelo Island (3.8 - 4.2 N & 81.4 - 81.8 W), we to...

Preventive healthcare-seeking behavior among poor older adults in Mexico: the impact of Seguro Popular, 2000-2012

Salud pública Méx; 61 (1), 2019
Abstract: Objective: Determine the effect of Seguro Popular (SP) on preventive care utilization among low-income SP beneficiaries and uninsured elders in Mexico. Materials and methods: Fixed-effects instrumental-variable (FE-IV) pseudo-panel estimation from three rounds of the Mexican National Health ...

Hipóteses, delineamento e instrumentos do Estudo Educatel, Brasil, 2015/2016

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online); 35 (supl.1), 2019
O Estudo Educatel 2015/2016 foi delineado para avaliar a saúde e as condições do trabalho realizado nas escolas, de uma amostra representativa dos 2.220.000 professores que atuavam na Educação Básica no Brasil. O objetivo do artigo foi descrever as bases e o delineamento da pesquisa telefônica, qu...

Sampling Methodology of Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleptera: Tenebrionidae) Population in Poultry Houses

Abstract This paper describes a methodology to evaluate Alphitobius diaperinus (Darkling beetle) population in order to estimate the effectiveness of control methods, consisting of direct sample collections from the poultry litter in 18 points, counting of adults and larvae, and subsequent comparison of ...

Application of the Respondent-Driven Sampling methodology in a biological and behavioral surveillance survey among female sex workers, Brazil, 2016

Rev. bras. epidemiol; 22 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Introduction: Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS) has been used in surveys with key populations at risk of HIV infection, such as female sex workers (FSW). This article describes the application of the RDS method among FSW in 12 Brazilian cities, during a survey carried out in 2016. Methodology: ...