Results: 277

Congenital presentation of synchronous Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor and Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor of the urinary bladder in a term infant

Autops. Case Rep; 10 (4), 2020
Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) is a rare central nervous system (CNS) tumor diagnosed primarily in infants and usually portends a poor prognosis. Despite being the most common embryonal tumor in children less than 1 year old, diagnosis is difficult to make based on clinical findings or imaging ...

Targeting of temozolomide using magnetic nanobeads: an in vitro study

Temozolomide, a chemotherapeutic drug that is often administered for the treatment of brain cancer has severe side effects and a poor aqueous solubility. In order to decrease the detrimental effect of the drug over healthy cells, a novel drug delivery vehicle was developed where the therapeutic drug was ...

Delirium as the first presentation of lung adenocarcinoma brain metastasis

Automatic segmentation of brain tumors in magnetic resonance imaging

ABSTRACT Objective To develop a computational algorithm applied to magnetic resonance imaging for automatic segmentation of brain tumors. Methods A total of 130 magnetic resonance images were used in the T1c, T2 and FSPRG T1C sequences and in the axial, sagittal and coronal planes of patients with brai...

Estimación del tiempo de Sobrevida después de Radioterapia Holoencefálica en Metástasis Cerebrales

Oncología (Guayaquil); 29 (3), 2019
Introducción: Las metástasis cerebrales constituyen una causa importante de mortalidad y son los tumores intracraneales más comunes en adultos, ocurren en aproximadamente el 20% y el 40% de los pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer. Los factores pronósticos que permiten estimar la esperanza de vida, s...

Delayed Cerebral Metastasis of Breast Cancer: Case Report and Molecular Review

Arq. bras. neurocir; 38 (4), 2019
Breast cancer (BC) is a prevalent disease, and its incidence of brain metastasis (BM) varies from5 to 30% according to the literature.We present the case of a delayed isolated cerebral metastasis in a female patient following a period of 16 years after the diagnosis and first treatment. During this time,...

Efectos adversos inmunomediados por inhibidores de PD-1
PD-1 inhibitors immune-mediated side effects

Los anticuerpos monoclonales que inhiben los puntos de control PD-1 y CTLA-4 se usan actualmente en el tratamiento del melanoma y cáncer metastásico de pulmón de células no pequeñas, entre otros. Se refiere el caso de una paciente con cáncer de pulmón en tratamiento con pembrolizumab. La paciente ...

Neurocitoma central: a propósito de un caso
Central neurocytoma: about a case

Rev. argent. neurocir; 33 (4), 2019
Introducción: El neurocitoma central fue descripto por primera vez en 1982 por Hassoun et al. Se trata de una neoplasia rara, bien diferenciada del sistema nervioso central de origen neuroectodermico, ubicado más comúnmente a nivel del sistema ventricular, típicamente adyacente al foramen de Monro. C...

Surgical treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy caused by gliomas in eloquent areas: experience report

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 77 (11), 2019
ABSTRACT Drug-resistant epilepsy associated with central nervous system tumors is generally caused by low grade gliomas. This group of tumors is usually found in brain eloquent areas, such as the insular lobe, rolandic cortex and supplementary motor area and, historically, possess a greater risk of posto...

Semi-quantitative evaluation of brain gliomas in adults: A focus on neuropathological characteristics

Gac. méd. Méx; 155 (5), 2019
Introduction: Gliomas are neoplasms with high recurrence and mortality. Due to the difficulty to apply the World Health Organization (2016) classification, developing countries continue to use histological evaluation to diagnose and classify these neoplasms. Objective: To develop a semi-quantitative sca...