Results: 152

Ventilación mecánica compartida: ¿Una herramienta fútil o una estrategia aceptable para superar la crisis?

Rev chil anest; 49 (3), 2020
Different events can trigger health crises, where demand exceeds the response capacity of the health system. In the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, one edge of this demand may be the need for ventilatory support. Among the strategies to deal with the problem, a new possibility arises: using a s...

Efeito da mobilização precoce na alta hospitalar de pacientes sob ventilação mecânica na unidade de terapia intensiva: revisão sistemática

Rev. Ciênc. Plur; 6 (3), 2020
Introdução:A Permanência prolongada na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) pode estar relacionada à fraqueza, imobilidade e insuficiência respiratória. A mobilização precoce desempenha um importante papel no processo de recuperação funcional dos pacientes.Objetivo:Descrever por meio da ...

Beyond ventilatory support: challenges in general practice and in the treatment of critically Ill children and adolescents with SARS-CoV-2 infection

SUMMARY Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (Sars-CoV-2 infection) is a new challenge for all countries, and children are predisposed to acquire this disease. Some studies have demonstrated more severe diseases in adults, but critically ill pediatric patients have been described in all ages. ...

Ventilatory support recommendations in children with Sars-CoV-2

Intensive support recommendations for critically-ill patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection

ABSTRACT In December 2019, a series of patients with severe pneumonia were identified in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, who progressed to severe acute respiratory syndrome and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Subsequently, COVID-19 was attributed to a new betacoronavirus, the severe acute respiratory ...

Practices related to assessment of sedation, analgesia and delirium among critical care pediatricians in Brazil

ABSTRACT Objective To understand the use of tools, protocols and comfort measures related to sedation/analgesia, and to screen the occurrence of delirium in pediatric intensive care units. Methods A survey with 14 questions was distributed by e-mail to Brazilian critical care pediatricians. Eight que...

Paciente com Chikungunya evoluindo com Síndrome de Angústia Respiratória do Adulto grave

Objetivo: Demonstrar casos de Chikungunya cujos paciente evoluíram com Síndrome da Angústia Respiratória do Adulto. Métodos: Estudo descritivo e documental cuja a amostra foi composta por pacientes internados em um hospital no município de Campos dos Goytacazes, diagnosticados com sorologia IgM p...

Monitorizacion del gasto cardiaco con ecocardiografia transtoracica y cateter de Swan Ganz. Estudio comparativo en pacientes en ventilacion mecanica con presión positiva espiratoria final elevada

RESUMEN Objetivo: Comparar las medidas de gasto cardiaco por ecocardiografía transtorácica y por catéter arterial pulmonar en pacientes en ventilación mecánica con presión positiva al final de la espiración elevada. Evaluar el efecto de la insuficiencia tricúspide. Métodos: Se estudiaron 16 pa...

Comparison of volume-controlled and pressure-controlled ventilation on respiratory mechanics in laparoscopic bariatric surgery: randomized clinical trial

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (6), 2019
Abstract Background: It is not clear which mechanical ventilation mode should be used in bariatric surgery, one of the treatment options for patients with obesity. Objectives: To compare volume-controlled ventilation and pressure-controlled ventilation in terms of respiratory mechanics and arterial blo...

Comparison of pressure-controlled volume-guaranteed ventilation and volume-controlled ventilation in obese patients during gynecologic laparoscopic surgery in the Trendelenburg position

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (6), 2019
Abstract Background and objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of the pressure-controlled, volume-guaranteed (PCV-VG) and volume-controlled ventilation (VCV) modes for maintaining adequate airway pressures, lung compliance and oxygenation in obese patients undergoing laparosco...