Results: 1653

Restrição de carboidratos no manejo do diabetes mellitus tipo 2: revisão crítica de ensaios clínicos randomizados

O diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) é considerado um dos principais distúrbios metabólicos relacionados ao desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares e outras comorbidades, com elevada incidência e prevalência no Brasil e no mundo. Apesar dos avanços em seu tratamento, a projeção mundial é de aum...

Influences on the Functional Behavior of Great Arteries during Orthostasis

Arq. bras. cardiol; 113 (6), 2019
Abstract Background: Arterial compliance reduction has been associated with aging and hypertension in supine position. However, the dynamic effects of orthostatism on aortic distensibility has not been defined. Objective: We sought to determine the orthostatic influence and the interference of age, blo...

Nutritional Status, Lifestyle and Lipid Profile in Vegetarians

Abstract Background: Vegetarian diets have been linked to reduced risk of chronic noncommunicable diseases, since they positively modulate biochemical parameters, particularly those related with glycemic control and lipemia, and considered as potential strategy for weight control. Objective: To compare...

Executive function performance in patients with obesity: a systematic review

Psychol. av. discip; 13 (2), 2019
Abstract Executive dysfunction is associated with the inability to control aberrant behaviors, such as chronic overeating (Moore, Sabino, Koob, & Cottone, 2017). Obese individuals often report great difficulties controlling eating behaviors, despite a desire to successfully lose weight (Dohle, Diel, ...

Adiposidad corporal, estilos de vida y nivel de actividad física en mujeres dueñas de casa y trabajadoras remuneradas chilenas

Rev. chil. nutr; 46 (6), 2019
RESUMEN En Chile existe escasa evidencia en relación a las características de los estilos de vida en mujeres dueñas de casa versus mujeres con trabajos renumerados. El objetivo del estudio fue comparar marcadores de adiposidad, hábitos de consumo asociados a estilos de vida y nivel de actividad físi...

Anthropometric measures as indicators of the nutritional status of people living with HIV

Rev. chil. nutr; 46 (6), 2019
Several studies have noted the increased survival time of people living with HIV (PLH) after the use of antiretroviral therapy. However, impacts on nutritional status (NS) have not been reported. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between anthropometric measures as indicators of the NS...

Hipercalciuria idiopática ¿se pueden evitar los diuróticos?
Idiopathic hypercalciuria: can the diuretics be avoided?

Medicina (B.Aires); 79 (6), 2019
La hipercalciuria idiopática se define como la excreció;n de calcio superior a 220 y 300 mg/día en mujeres y hombres respectivamente o bien mayor a 4 mg/kg peso. En mujeres con osteoporosis se observa en el 19% de los casos, mientras que en litiasis renal varía entre el 50 y 70%. Seleccionamos 206 pa...

Repercussões do destreinamento físico no sistema cardiovascular, massa corporal e perfil lipídico

O presente manuscrito teve por objetivo a revisão de literatura sobre os efeitos do destreinamento (DT) no sistema cardiovascular e em fatores de risco cardiovasculares, tais como massa corporal, adiposidade e perfil lipídico. Para isso, uma ampla pesquisa da literatura nas bases de dados PubMed, S...

Nrf2, NF-κB and PPARβ/δ mRNA Expression Profile in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

Arq. bras. cardiol; 113 (6), 2019
Abstract Background: Oxidative stress and inflammation are present in coronary artery disease (CAD) and are linked to the activation of the transcription nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB). To attenuate these complications, transcription factors like nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) a...

Syntax score i and ii for predicting carotid artery stenosis in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease: a propensity score matching analysis

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the predictive accuracy of SYNTAX score (SS) I and II for detecting significant carotid artery stenosis (CAS) in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. Methods: The study population consisted of 416 pa...