Results: 8591

Sobrevida al egreso hospitalario de recién nacidos con cardiopatÝas congÚnitas sometidos a cirugÝa cardiaca o cateterismo intervencionista
Post-discharge survival of newborn infants with congenital cardiopathies undergoing heart surgery or interventional catheterization

Rev. invest. clín; 54 (4), 2002
OBJECTIVE: To report survival of newborns with congenital heart disease who underwent cardiac surgery during neonatal period. DESIGN: Descriptive, ambispective. SETTING: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Hospital de PediatrÝa, Centro MÚdico Nacional Siglo XXI. PATIENTS: We studied 74 newborns with c...

Remission of Graves' hyperthyroidism treated with methimazole

Rev. invest. clín; 54 (4), 2002
BACKGROUND: Long-term thionamide treatment is considered one of the main resources for Graves' hyperthyroidism. Although a 54.2 remission rate in patients so treated in Mexico was previously reported, most articles have shown a wide variation over time. In the present article we report the actual remissi...

Evaluación crítica del sistema de diagnóstico de la diabetes mellitus, propuesto por la Asociación Americana de Diabetes
Critical evaluation of the diagnostic system of diabetes mellitus proposed by the American Diabetes Association

Rev. cuba. endocrinol; 13 (2), 2002
Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en 370 sujetos con trastornos de tolerancia a la glucosa, para evaluar la metodología de diagnóstico de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, que prescinde de la prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa oral (PTG), propuesto por la ADA. Se encontró que la glucemia en ayunas permit...

Comportamiento de las infecciones de transmisión sexual en el área La Caoba
Behavior of sexually transmitted diseases in La Caoba health area

Rev. cuba. enferm; 18 (2), 2002
Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y transversal con el objetivo de mostrar el comportamiento de la sífilis y la blenorragia en el área de salud ôLa Caobaö, sito en San Luis, provincia Santiago de Cuba. Este trabajo abarca un período de enero a diciembre de 1998 y el universo está co...

Características del asma bronquial en el Policlínico-Facultad Josué País García
Characteristics of bronchial asthma at Josué País García Teaching Polyclinic

Rev. cuba. enferm; 18 (2), 2002
Se hizo un estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo para evaluar las características del asma bronquial en 100 pacientes afectados por ese trastorno, escogidos aleatoriamente de un total de 1 463 asmáticos atendidos en el Policlínico Josué País García desde enero de 1995 hasta diciembre de ...

Pulmonary thromboembolism: retrospective study of necropsies performed over 24 years in a university hospital in Brazil

Säo Paulo med. j; 120 (4), 2002
CONTEXT: Pulmonary thromboembolism is the third most frequent cause of morbidity and mortality among acute cardiovascular diseases. The incidence of pulmonary embolism in necropsies has remained unchanged over the last few decades. Cardiac diseases, neoplasia, trauma, recent surgery and systemic diseases...

Weight changes during chemotherapy for breast cancer

Säo Paulo med. j; 120 (4), 2002
CONTEXT: Patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer have a tendency to gain weight. This tendency has determining factors not completely defined and an unknown prognostic impact. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate weight change during chemotherapy for breast cancer in a defined population and to iden...

Testicular sperm results in elevated miscarriage rates compared to epididymal sperm in azoospermic patients

Säo Paulo med. j; 120 (4), 2002
CONTEXT: Several sperm retrievel techniques are available for use on azoospeermic men. Comparisons between spermatozoa retrieved from the testicles and epidymis in relation to pregnancy and miscarriage rates are not well established. OBJECTIVE: To compare pregnancy and miscarriage rates using sperm retri...

Ring-stripping retrograde common carotid endarterectomy: case report

Säo Paulo med. j; 120 (5), 2002
CONTEXT: Total occlusion of the common carotid is rare and the indications and techniques for surgical treatment are still a matter of controversy. OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the feasibility of retrograde common carotid endarterectomy. DESIGN: Retrospective case report study. SETTING: Tertiary care privat...

Preparando o despertar de Lilith: a enfermagem no feminino retratada pelas publicações da REBEn durante as décadas de oitenta e noventa do século XX

Rev. bras. enferm; 55 (3), 2002
Este estudo apresenta um levantamento das publicações da Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem/REBEn durante as décadas de 80 e 90 do século XX relativas especificamente às condições da mulher e/ou mulher/enfermeira. Inicialmente pensei em levantar apenas os artigos que apresentassem alguma referência...