Results: 5435

Uso dos serviços de saúde e adesão ao distanciamento social por adultos com doenças crônicas na pandemia de COVID-19, Brasil, 2020

Resumo Este estudo investiga a associação entre diagnóstico autorreferido de Doença Crônica Não Transmissível (DCNT) e adesão ao distanciamento social e utilização dos serviços de saúde durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Estudo transversal com adultos brasileiros que participaram da ConVid Pesqu...

Lifestyle and risk behaviors for chronic noncommunicable diseases among healthcare undergraduates in Midwest, Brazil

Abstract This study aimed to assess the lifestyle of undergraduate university students, and to investigate the prevalence of risk behaviors for chronic noncommunicable diseases. This cross-sectional study took place in Brasilia, with 2.163 healthcare undergraduates. We used a self-administered questionna...

Tendência do estado nutricional de gestantes adolescentes beneficiárias do programa de transferência condicionada de renda brasileiro Bolsa Família no período 2008-2018

Resumo Trata-se de um estudo ecológico que objetivou analisar a tendência do estado nutricional de gestantes adolescentes beneficiárias do programa brasileiro de transferência condicionada de renda, Bolsa Família, no período 2008-2018. Foram avaliados dados secundários de gestantes adolescentes be...

The impact of healthcare-associated infections on COVID-19 mortality: a cohort study from a Brazilian public hospital

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze the risk factors for in-hospital mortality in a cohort of patients admitted to a newly adapted intensive care unit in a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro. METHODS: This was an observational, retrospective, and descriptive study. Data were obtained from elec...

Trend analysis of clinical aspects of congenital syphilis in Brazil, 2009-2018

SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: Congenital syphilis is caused by the vertical transmission of bacteria, Treponema pallidum, from nontreated or inappropriately treated pregnant to the fetus. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical aspects of Congenital syphilis in Brazil, between 2009-2018. METHOD: It is an analytic...

Epidemiological analysis of hysterectomies performed at the public health system in the largest Brazilian city

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To analyze the public data of hysterectomies performed in the only health system in the city of São Paulo between 2008 and 2018. METHODS: The following public health system data were extracted and analyzed: age, technique, number of surgeries, mortality during hospitalization, lengt...

Prevalence of physical activity and associated factors among pregnant women: a cross-sectional population-based study in southern Brazil

Abstract Objectives: to describe the prevalence of sufficient leisure-time physical activity (LPA) in the trimesters of pregnancy and to test its association with sociodemographic and contextual characteristics. Methods: cross-sectional study that in 2019 analyzed data from 3580 pregnant women residing...

Prevalence of HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C in pregnant women at a maternity hospital in Salvador

Abstract Objectives: to calculate the prevalence and rate per 1,000 live births of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in pregnant women at a public maternity hospital in Salvador. Methods: this descriptive, cross-sectional study retrospectively collected data from compulsory notifications and medica...

Incidence of congenital syphilis according to inequalities and living conditions in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

Abstract Objectives: to analyze the variation in the incidence rates of congenital syphilis according to the spatial distribution of Life Condition Index (LCI) among neighborhoods in the city of Recife-PE. Methods: an ecological study, developed from 3,234 cases of congenital syphilis notified in the S...