Results: 10512

Mortality and risks related to healthcare-associated infection

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (1), 2015
Healthcare-associated infections are a major cause of morbidity-mortality among hospitalized patients. The aim of this epidemiological study was to determine mortality and risks related to death in adult patients with healthcare-associated infections admitted to a teaching hospital in one year. Patient d...

Factor neurotrófico derivado del cerebro como marcador de conducta suicida en pacientes con trastorno depresivo mayor

Suicidal behavior, understood as a continuum from ideation to completed suicide, through the suicide attempt, is a major health concern worldwide in both adult and adolescent population. Major depressive disorder is consistently the most prevalent disorder among individuals who commit suicide and one of ...

Análise do risco de pé diabético em um ambulatório interdisciplinar de diabetes

Rev. AMRIGS; 59 (1), 2015
Introdução: Pé diabético é uma complicação crônica do diabetes mellitus e sua prevalência é de 4 a 10%. É definido como infecção, ulceração e/ou destruição de tecidos moles associadas a alterações neurológicas e doenças arteriais periféricas nos membros inferiores. O objetivo deste ...

Aspergilosis invasiva en unidad de cuidado intensivo

Infectio; 19 (1), 2015
La aspergilosis invasiva (AI) es causada por la inhalación de conidias del moho Aspergillus spp. , el cual tiene como hábitat el suelo. Ha sido descrita en pacientes con trasplante de médula ósea y neutropenia grave (<500 neutrófilos/mm 3 ). Los pacientes que ingresan a la unidad de cuidado intensiv...

Emergency room visits for work-related injuries: characteristics and associated factors - Capitals and the Federal District, Brazil, 2011

Work-related injuries, often classified as occupational injuries (OI), stand out among visits due to external causes (accidents and violence) in health services. To describe the characteristics and factors associated with emergency room visits for OI, a cross-sectional study was conducted using data from...

Indicadores nutricionais combinados e fatores associados em população Quilombola no Sudoeste da Bahia, Brasil

Este estudo estimou a prevalência de duas combinações de indicadores nutricionais: Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) + Circunferência da Cintura (CC) e IMC + Razão Cintura Estatura (RCE), e investigou os fatores associados em adultos Quilombolas. Amostra aleatória em dois estágios de 739 adultos ...

Chronic non-communicable diseases, risk and health promotion: social construction of Vigitel participants

The dimension of choice and adherence to healthy lifestyles is in the area of social constructions made in representations of individuals and had not yet been included in the Surveillance of Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey (VIGITEL) analysis systems. This article aims...

Differentials in risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases from the race/color standpoint

This article aims to analyze the differences between the prevalence of risk factors of non-communicable chronic disease by race/color. It is a cross-sectional study using data from a telephone survey of 45,448 adults. Prevalence ratios for chronic disease risk factors by race/color were calculated. After...

Prevalence of cholera risk factors between migrant Haitians and Dominicans in the Dominican Republic

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether cholera risk factor prevalence in the Dominican Republic can be explained by nationality, independent of other factors, given the vulnerability of many Haitians in the country and the need for targeted prevention. METHODS: A cross-sectional, observational household survey ...

Efectividad del programa psicoeducativo de educación sexual y salud reproductiva
Effectiveness of the psychoeducational program of sexual education and reproductive health

Rev. cuba. enferm; 31 (1), 2015
Introducción: una conducta sexual adecuada basada en conocimientos sólidos sobre salud sexual y reproductiva contribuye a que los adolescentes posean una vida sexual satisfactoria. Objetivo: demostrar efectividad de la intervención psicoeducativa en féminas de la enseñanza secundaria, en un antes y ...