Results: 1207

Clinical and epidemiological characterization of patients receiving home care in the city of Maceió, in the state of Alagoas, Brazil

Abstract Objective: To clinically and epidemiologically characterize patients receiving home care in the city of Maceio, in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. Methods: An observational, cross-sectional study with a sample of 859 patients was carried out, based on data obtained from the medical records of ...

Construction of an instrument for the prognostic evaluation of elderly persons in intensive care units

Abstract Objective: To create an instrument for the prognostic evaluation of elderly patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit. Methods: A cohort study, with prospective data collection, which included elderly persons aged 60 years or older, was carried out in the city of João Pessoa, in the s...

Quality of life based on level of physical activity among elderly residents of urban and rural areas

Abstract Objective: To analyze quality of life (QOL) according to level of physical activity among elderly persons living in rural (RA) and urban (UA) areas. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study, analyzing 358 elderly residents of RA and 139 of UA, in the municipal region of Palmas, Paraná, B...

Prevalence of fear of falling, in a sample of elderly adults in the community

Abstract Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of fear of falling among a sample of elderly persons in the community, and to analyze its correlation with age, self-perceived health, difficulty walking, use of an assistive device for walking, history of falls, and functional capacity. Method: A cr...

Health profile of family caregivers of the elderly and its association with variables of care: a rural study

Abstract Objective: to analyze the profile of a population of caregivers from a city in a rural area of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, and identify their health complaints and the characteristics of care provided. Method: a prospective cross-sectional study was performed based on a domicile survey ...

Integralidade da saúde do idoso na atenção primária à saúde: uma revisão integrativa

Rev. APS; 20 (2), 2017
A população mundial vem passando por um processo de transição demográfica, advindo das baixas taxas de fertilidade e aumento da expectativa de vida. Tais fatos desafiam as redes de atenção bem como a equipe de profissionais a colocar a saúde do idoso nas agendas de ações, de maneira a contempla...

Perfil de idosos admitidos em serviço de fisioterapia frente à sazonalidade

OBJETIVOS: Analisar o perfil e a prevalência de doenças em idosos admitidos em duas estações do ano distintas, em um serviço público de fisioterapia de um município de médio porte localizado em zona de clima subtropical de altitude. MÉTODOS: Um estudo transversal analisou prontuários de pacient...

Perfil dos idosos usuários das academias ao ar livre para a terceira idade

Objetivo: Descrever o perfil dos idosos usuários das academias ao ar livre para a terceira idade de Fortaleza (Ceará). Métodos: Estudo transversal, envolvendo uma amostra de 374 idosos com idade maior ou igual a 60 anos, realizado entre os meses de outubro de 2015 e abril de 2016, nas academias ao ar ...