Results: 174

Modification of the Alere GIARDIA Ag TEST immunochromatography KIT methodology for its use in frozen fecal sediment of dogs and cats

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 90 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Giardia duodenalis is a worldwide intestinal parasite and is one of the most frequent protozoa species infecting dogs and cats. This study aimed to modify the methodology of Alere GIARDIA Ag TEST KIT for its use in frozen fecal sediments with different storage times in a freezer (-20°C), thus e...

Identificación de parásitos en perros alojados en hogares temporales en Chihuahua, Chihuahua, México

Salud pública Méx; 60 (1), 2018

Prevalencia e intensidad de infección por geohelmintos, caracterizando los factores socio culturales y ambientales que inciden en la infección de escolares, Paraguay, 2015

Rev. chil. infectol; 35 (5), 2018
Resumen Introducción: Actualmente Paraguay no cuenta con estudios de prevalencia de infección por geohelmintos transmitidos por contacto con el suelo en escolares de 6 a 12 años. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia e intensidad de infección por Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura y las uncina...

Echinococcosis and other parasitic infections in domestic dogs from urban areas of an argentinean Patagonian city

Medicina (B.Aires); 77 (6), 2017
In urban populations of South America, dogs with free access to public areas represent a public health concern. The primary consequence of roaming dogs on human health is the transmission of infectious and parasitic diseases mainly through feces contamination. The main diseases likely to be transmitted a...

Morbidity of schistosomiasis mansoni in a low endemic setting in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Despite the advances of disease control programs, severe forms of schistosomiasis are prevalent. The prevalence of the disease in areas frequented by tourists urges for permanent prevention and control. The aim of this study was to describe the morbidity of schistosomiasis in the ...

Prevalence of and risk factors for intestinal parasite infections in pediatric patients admitted to public hospitals in Southern Brazil

Abstract INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of intestinal parasitosis and to identify risk factors associated therewith in hospitalized children. METHODS: Three fecal samples from each patient were evaluated using three different techniques. The patients' nutritional and socioeco...

Schistosomiasis in the Amazon region: is the current diagnostic strategy still appropriate?

Abstract INTRODUCTION: This study analyzed the performance of the Kato Katz technique in detecting intestinal schistosomiasis in the State of Pará. METHODS: Of three stool samples provided by each of 380 participants, a total of 16 Kato Katz slides were examined to define the reference value (RV) of...

Avispora mochogalegoi n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) in the little owl, Athene noctua (Strigiformes: Strigidae), in mainland Portugal

Abstract The little owl Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769) is a small raptor that is widely distributed from northern to southern Portugal and several other countries in Europe, Asia and North Africa, and which has been introduced into New Zealand. In the current study, 18 fecal samples were collected from li...

Validity of a commercial kit for detection of antibodies in bovine serum in an endemic area for fasciolosis

Abstract Fasciolosis is caused by Fasciola hepatica that affects the bile ducts and liver parenchyma of ruminants, which can result in economic loss. This study aimed to carry out the validity of the commercial kit ELISA® indirect front of the simple fecal sedimentation test used as the standard. 143 sa...

Detection of zoonotic and livestock-specific assemblages of Giardia duodenalis in free-living wild lizards

Abstract Giardia duodenalis is a zoonotic parasite that infects the gut of a wide range of vertebrates, including numerous wildlife species. However, little is known about this protozoan parasite in reptiles. Fecal samples from 31 wild lizards were collected in Galicia (northwest Spain) and screened for ...