Results: 149

Hiperplasia estromal pseudoangiomatosa: caso raro em menina de 11 anos

Rev. bras. cir. plást; 32 (2), 2017
A Hiperplasia Estromal Pseudoangiomatosa (PASH) é uma doença benigna caracterizada pela proliferação excessiva de fibroblastos e miofibroblastos, podendo levar a um crescimento mamário importante. A apresentação é rara, em especial ocasionando necessidade de mastectomia em pacientes jovens. O est...

Allium sativum compared to cilostazol as an inhibitor of myointimal hyperplasia

Abstract Objective: Intimal hyperplasia is associated with graft failure and vascular sutures in the first year after surgery and in postangioplasty restenosis. Allium sativum (common garlic) lowers cholesterol and has antioxidant effects; it also has antiplatelet and antitumor properties and, therefore...

Surgical Treatment of Condylar Hyperplasia Associated with Dentofacial Deformity: Low Condylectomy, Articular Disc Repositioning, and Orthognathic Surgery

Due to the complexity of the treatment of condylar hyperplasia associated with dentofacial deformities and its complications, if left untreated, the surgeon should be alert to these factors at the time of surgical planning to tailor the optimal therapy for an individual patient. This case report describe...

Immunoexpression of cleaved caspase-3 shows lower apoptotic area indices in lip carcinomas than in intraoral cancer

J. appl. oral sci; 24 (4), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective This study aimed to evaluate apoptosis by assessing cleaved caspase-3 immunoexpression in hyperplastic, potentially malignant disorder (PMD), and malignant tumors in intraoral and lower lip sites. Material and Methods A retrospective study using paraffin blocks with tissues from pa...

Iliac artery myointimal hyperplasia in rabbits submitted to angioplasty and treated with Moringa oleifera

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 43 (1), 2016
Objective: to assess post-angioplasty myointimal hyperplasia in iliac artery of rabbits treated with extract of Moringa oleifera leaves. Methods : we conducted a randomized trial in laboratory animals for five weeks of follow-up, developed in the Vivarium of Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory of the ...

Condylar hyperplasia, diagnosis and clinical management: a clinical case report

ABSTRACT Condylar hyperplasia is a disorder characterized by excessive and progressive growth affecting the condyle, neck, body, and mandibular ramus. Under this condition, mandibular growth occurs in all three planes of space, but more predominantly in one of them. Its etiology is controversial in its o...

Criocirugía en el tratamiento de pacientes con hiperplasia papilomatosa del paladar
Cryosurgery in the treatment of patients with papillomatous hyperplasia of the palate

Medisan; 19 (10), 2015
Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 40 pacientes con prótesis removibles, tratados en la consulta estomatológica del Policlínico de Especialidades del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, desde marzo de 2013 hasta igual periodo de ...

Hiperplasia paratiroidea en un adolescente
Parathyroid hyperplasia in an adolescente

Rev. cuba. endocrinol; 26 (2), 2015
El hiperparatiroidismo primario esporádico es una de las causas de hipercalcemia en la edad pediátrica. Constituye una entidad muy poco frecuente, más aún si es debido a hiperplasia paratiroidea. Se presenta el caso de un adolescente con historia de litiasis renal, hipercalcemia asociada a cifras ele...

Aplicación seriada de paricalcitol intranodular ¿Es eficaz en el tratamiento del hiperparatiroidismo secundario refractario?

Acta méd. colomb; 40 (2), 2015
Objetivo: determinar la eficacia del paricalcitol en la reducción de los niveles de PTH intacta (PTHi) al aplicarlo directamente en las glándulas paratiroides en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica estadio 5 (ERC E5) en terapia dialítica con hiperparatiroidismo refractario e hiperplasia nodular. M...

Perception of professionals in the assessment of coronoid hyperplasia by computed tomography

Acta odontol. latinoam; 28 (1), 2015
Coronoid Hyperplasia (CH) is a non-neoplastic and relatively rare enlargement of the coronoid process that may limit mandibular movement as a consequence of the close association between the hyperplastic coronoid process and the anterior region of the zygomatic bone. Computed tomography (CT) is extremely...