Cervical cancer is the second neoplasm that most affects women in Brazil. It is a slow-progressing disease with well-defined stages. When diagnosed early, it has a high probability of cure, and it is essential to study methods that help in its diagnosis. The main factor associated with this neoplasm is i...
Abstract In this nonsystematic review, the complementary diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of human papillomavirus are discussed. The histopathology is addressed regarding its indications, main findings and limitations, as a complementary diagnostic method largely used by dermatologists. Elec...
Abstract Infection with human papilloma virus (HPV) is related to a great number of cutaneous and mucosal manifestations. The spectrum of HPV ranges from inapparent infections, through various clinical benign presentations including cutaneous and mucosal disease, to malignant and premalignant conditions....
Objetivo: identificar os sentimentos de pré-adolescentes e adolescentes quanto à vacinação contra o papilomavirus humano. Método: trata-se de um estudo fenomenológico, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado com 10 participantes, sendo pré- adolescentes e adolescentes, cujas quais foram vacinadas na ...
Resumen Introducción: Previos trabajos han reportado una asociación entre la infección del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) y el desarrollo de cáncer colorrectal, aunque existe controversia al respecto. Materiales y Método: Estudio observacional, transversal, descriptivo, retrospectivo, no ciego. Se ...