ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Flexible fiber optic bronchoscopy is a valuable intervention for evaluation and management of respiratory diseases in both infants, pediatric and adult patients. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the airway supporting maneuvers on glottis view during pediatric ...
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is a relatively common affection of gastrointestinal tract in childhood that results in symptoms, such as projectile vomiting and metabolic disorders that imply a high risk of aspiration during anesthetic induction. In this w...
Goldenhar's syndrome is a polymalformative condition consisting of a craniofacial dysostosis that determines difficult airway in up to 40% of cases. We described a case of a newborn with Goldenhar's syndrome with esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal f...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Preoperative ultrasonographic evaluation of the thyroid gland done by surgeons could let us foresee airway management challenges. The aim of this observational study was to evaluate the effects of thyroid-related parameters assessed preoperatively by surgeons via ultrasonograph...
Background: The difficulties with airway management is the main reason for pediatric anesthesia-related morbidity and mortality. Objective: To assess the value of modified Mallampati test, Upper-Lip-Bite test, thyromental distance and the ratio of height to thyromental distance to predict difficult intub...
Background and objective: Prediction of intubation difficulty can save patients from major preoperative morbidity or mortality. The purpose of this paper is to assess the correlation between oro-hypo pharynx position, neck size, and length with endotracheal intubation difficulty. The study also explored ...
Introducción: la intubación endotraqueal es el método que más se indica para permeabilizar la vía aérea en el paciente con traumatismo raquimedular que requiere ventilación mecánica. Objetivo: comparar los resultados del uso de la máscara laríngea proseal vs. tubo endotraqueal, en pacientes con...
Las fístulas traqueoesofágicas (FTE) posintubación constituyen una lesión de pronóstico grave, con altos índices de morbilidad y mortalidad. El objetivo del trabajo fue el de evaluar las características clínicas y el resultado del tratamiento quirúrgico de pacientes con FTE posintubación. Se re...