Results: 97

Relación entre el adecuado manejo del dolor agudo perioperatorio e incidencia de dolor crónico no oncológico

Dolor; 27 (68), 2017
El adecuado manejo perioperatorio del dolor agudo y la elección de la técnica anestésica influyen en la incidencia de complicaciones a corto, mediano y largo plazo, encontrándose en este grupo el desarrollo de dolor crónico no oncológico (DCNO). debido al aumento de la prevalencia de dolor crónico...

Use of virtual reality for treating burned children: case reports

ABSTRACT Objective: To report the use of virtual reality (VR) in pain intensity during dressing change of two burned children hospitalized in a Burn Treatment Center (BTC) in Southern Brazil. Method: Case report on the use of VR during dressing change of two burned children hospitalized in a BTC, from ...

Mirror therapy: A potential intervention for pain management

Summary The consequences of chronic pain and associated disabilities to the patient and to the health care system are well known. Medication is often the first treatment of choice for chronic pain, although side effects and high costs restrict long-term use. Inexpensive, safe and easy to self-administer ...

Effectiveness of a strength training program for patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: feasibility study

Introduction: Fibromyalgia is a disease characterized by chronic pain; it is a syndrome with an unknown cause and has no cure. Objective: Examine the feasibility of a strength training program in patients with FM. Methods: Fortyseven patients from general community were allocated into two groups: strengt...

Mucoadhesive buccal films of tramadol for effective pain management

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 67 (3), 2017
Abstract Background and objectives: Tramadol hydrochloride is a centrally-acting synthetic opioid analgesic binding to specific opioid receptors. It is used in the management of chronic pain and is recommended as first line drug in the treatment of postoperative or orthopedic injury induced acute pain. ...

Non-pharmacological measures in preterm newborns submitted to arterial puncture

ABSTRACT Objective: to assess pain in preterm newborns and to compare the neonatal and therapeutic variables with the total scores of the Neonatal Facial Coding System of preterm newborns submitted to arterial puncture exposed to music and 25% oral glucose. Method: a comparative study with 48 recording...

Auriculotherapy to reduce anxiety and pain in nursing professionals: a randomized clinical trial

RESUMEN Objectives: to evaluate the effectiveness of the auricular protocol (APPA) in reducing pain and anxiety and improving the quality of life of the nursing staff of a hospital. Method: randomized clinical trial with an initial sample of 180 professionals divided into 4 groups Control (G1), Seed (G...

Pain and distress outcomes in infants and children: a systematic review

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 50 (7), 2017
The aim of the present study was to systematically review the recent literature about pain and distress outcomes in children and critically analyze the methodological quality of the reports. The systematic review was based on the PRISMA statement and performed by selecting articles that are indexed in sc...

Sedation and analgesia for procedures in the pediatric emergency room

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 93 (supl.1), 2017
Abstract Objective: Children and adolescents often require sedation and analgesia in emergency situations. With the emergence of new therapeutic options, the obsolescence of others, and recent discoveries regarding already known drugs, it became necessary to review the literature in this area. Data sou...