ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios as possible parameters of systemic inflammation in hyperglycemic and normoglycemic subjects. Methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional study of data collected from patients tested for fasting blood glucose, gl...
Uma das biotecnologias com propósito relevante à saúde humana é o plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) o qual, não há registro protocolar padronizado para Rattus novergicus (Wistar). De fato, a falta de padronização do método leva pesquisadores à dúvida sob qual protocolo seguir para os melhores res...
Abstract Purpose: To investigate the prognostic value of 17 platelet-based prognostic scores in patients with malignant hepatic tumors after TACE therapy. Methods: In total, 92 patients were divided into death group and survival group according to long-term follow-up results. The AUC was calculated to ...
El International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) recomienda el uso de ácido etilendiaminotretaacético dipotásico (EDTAK2) como anticoagulante para el hemograma, mientras que el Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) EDTAK2 o ácido etilendiaminotetraacético tripotásico ...
A síndrome de Chediak-Higashi (CHS) é um distúrbio genético autossômico recessivo decorrente de uma mutação no gene regulador do transporte lisossomal (LYST ou CHS1). Os sintomas da síndrome são resultado de alterações funcionais de melanócitos, plaquetas, neutrófilos e células natural kill...
Abstract Objective: In this study, we investigated the role of two of the recent biomarkers of inflammation on the development of acute kidney injury in the early postoperative period of isolated coronary artery bypass grafting. Methods: Three hundred and eleven patients, who underwent isolated coronar...