Results: 134

Cultural adaptation and validation of the Brazilian Version of the Patient Activation Measure-22 items

ABSTRACT Objective: To adapt and validate the Patient Activation Measure (PAM22) in a sample of Brazilians with chronic diseases under outpatient monitoring. Method: Adaptation process comprises translation, back translation, analysis by a committee of judges, semantic analysis, and pre-test. Psychomet...

Síntomas psicológicos en la transición menopáusica
Psychological symptoms in the menopausal transition

RESUMEN OBJETIVO: Conocer los síntomas en la Transición Menopáusica, mediante el autoinforme de la mujer, clasificado en tres grupos: 1er. Temprana de la Transición Menopáusica (etapa −2), 2°. Tardía de la Transición Menopáusica y Temprana de Postmenopausia (etapas −1 y +1a) y 3er. ...

Translation and adaptation of a questionnaire on the needs of postpartum adolescents

ABSTRACT Objective: Describe the processes of translation to the Portuguese language and cultural adaptation of the Postpartum Learning Needs (PLN) to the Portuguese context. Method: Methodological study of an instrument that was constructed and validated in Jordan. Here are presented the procedures re...

Validation of instrument to assess software of patients' risk classification

ABSTRACT Objective: Validate the content of an instrument that assesses the quality of a software applied to the risk classification of patients. Method: Methodological study, conducted in three stages: adaptation of the instrument, content validation through Delphi technique and pre-test. The results ...

Cross-cultural adaptation of the instrument Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale - Adult Form

ABSTRACT Objective: to perform the cross-cultural adaptation of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale - (RHDS) Adult Form for use in Brazil. Method: a methodological study was conducted in 2015, in Brazil's federal capital, following the eight stages scientifically established. Results: analysis ...

Validation and reliability of the scale Self-efficacy and their child's level of asthma control

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties in terms of validity and reliability of the scale Self-efficacy and their child's level of asthma control: Brazilian version. Method: Methodological study in which 216 parents/guardians of children with asthma participated. A construct validat...

Burnout and depressive symptoms in intensive care nurses: relationship analysis

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the existence of a relationship between burnout and depressive symptoms among intensive care unit nursing staff. Method: A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study with 91 intensive care nurses. Data collection used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Maslach Bu...

Cultural adaptation of Quality Of Care Through The Patient's Eyes -QUOTE-HIV

ABSTRACT Objective: to translate and adapt Quality of Care Through the Patient's Eyes - HIV (QUOTE-HIV) for the Brazilian population living with HIV/AIDS. Method: a methodological study, which followed the stages of translation, synthesis, back-translation, evaluation by the committee of experts and pr...

Social determinants of health related to adhesion to mammography screening

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify proximal, intermediary and individual social determinants related to mammography adherence, according to the Social Determinants of Health model proposed by Dahlgren and Whitehead. Method: Correlational cross-sectional study, carried out with a sociodemographic and clinic...

Análisis psicométrico del Inventario Multidimensional de Infidelidad, en estudiantes de educación superior en Cartagena, Colombia

Summa psicol. UST; 15 (1), 2018
La infidelidad es un incumplimiento de un convenio donde se infringen los acuerdos de exclusividad relacional. Es uno de los motivos más frecuentes del deterioro en las relaciones y en muchos casos quebranta la calidad de vida, la integridad y la salud. Frente a sus implicaciones es necesario contar con...