Results: 173

UV induced surface modification on improving the cytocompatibility of metallocene polyethylene

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 90 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Demand for medical implants is rising day by day as the world becomes the place for more diseased and older people. Accordingly, in this research, metallocene polyethylene (mPE), a commonly used polymer was treated with UV rays for improving its biocompatibility. Scanning electron microscopy (SE...

Blocking or enhancing effects of some basic emollients in UVA penetration

An. bras. dermatol; 93 (2), 2018
Abstract: Background: Topical agents used in combination with phototherapy or photochemotherapy may have both blocking or enhancing effects in ultraviolet rays. Objective: In this in vivo study, the effects of topical petrolatum, basis cream, glycerine, and olive oil on the transmission of ultraviolet ...

Carcinoma basocelular. Un reto actual para el dermatólogo
Basal cell carcinoma. An actual challenge for the dermatologist

Rev. medica electron; 40 (1), 2018
RESUMEN El carcinoma basocelular es un tumor maligno de origen epitelial, su crecimiento es lento y rara vez metastiza. Este puede producir destrucción local y comprometer extensas áreas de tejido, cartílago y hueso. Existen variantes clínicas e histológicas y constituye el cáncer más frecuente en...

Effect of ultraviolet radiation on physiological and biochemical properties of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae during fermentation of ultradispersed starch raw material

Background: Study of correlation between pretreatment of yeast with ultraviolet radiation and efficiency of further fermentation of wort made of ultrafine grain particles to ethanol. Results: We investigated three races of industrial yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (native and irradiated by ultraviolet). ...

Photosensitization of Lipofuscin in Skin Keratinocytes: Effect of Visible Light on Human Skin

Lipofuscin is an autofluorescent pigment progressively accumulated during cellular aging, in several tissues, such as heart, muscle and retina, especially in the postmitotic period. That phenomenon may result from oxidative stress, when biomolecules and organelles (mainly mitochondria) are damaged, gener...

Desenvolvimento, caracterização e avaliação da formação de complexos de inclusão de rutina, avobenzona e ρ-metoxicinamato de octila na presença de ciclodextrinas

A radiação UV pode causar danos à pele humana, e, evitar estes danos, é uma preocupação crescente para a população e um desafio à comunidade científica. Para uma ação efetiva de fotoproteção, a associação de filtros, como avobenzona (BMBM) e ρ-metoxicinamato de octila (EHMC), são empreg...

Avaliação de protetores solares contendo filtros encapsulados/incorporados em matriz de sílica mesoporosa ordenada do tipo SBA-15

Filtros orgânicos são amplamente utilizados em formulações fotoprotetoras, com habilidade de absorver radiações ultravioleta (UV). Contudo, parte destes compostos possuem limitações, como: fotoinstabilidade, permeação cutânea e fotossensibilização e entre outros. Este trabalho envolveu a sí...

Fotoprotetores bioativos contendo extrato de mirtilo (Vaccinium myrtillus L. ): caracterização físico-química e funcional

Os efeitos deletérios causados pela radiação ultravioleta (UV) e o aumento significativo no diagnóstico de câncer de pele, confirmam a necessidade de um progresso significativo na pesquisa de produtos fotoprotetores eficazes e seguros, para proteção eficaz da pele. As formulações atuais associam...

Long non-coding RNA HOTAIR promotes UVB-induced apoptosis and inflammatory injury by up-regulation of PKR in keratinocytes

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 51 (8), 2018
Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause damage of the skin and may induce cancer, immunosuppression, photoaging, and inflammation. The long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) HOX antisense intergenic RNA (HOTAIR) is involved in multiple human biological processes. However, its role in UVB-induced kera...

Using UV light for adhesive remnant removal after debonding of orthodontic accessories

Abstract The objective of this study was to assess the effect of a UV light-based auxiliary illumination on adhesive remnant (AR) removal after orthodontic debonding. Sixty human molars were divided according to the adhesive used for bonding: O-opaque; LF-low fluorescence; and HF-high fluorescence. After...