Introducción: en pacientes con alta sospecha clínica, alteraciones radiológicas y síntomas respiratorios compatibles con tuberculosis pulmonar se recomienda obtener muestras de lavado broncoalveolar para mejorar la sensibilidad diagnóstica de la prueba utilizada. Objetivo: describir el desempeño de...
Resumen: el síndrome de Werner es una patología poco frecuente, de herencia autosómica recesiva, caracterizado por signos de envejecimiento prematuro y tendencia a desarrollar tumores malignos. El diagnóstico de esta enfermedad es principalmente clínico, con hallazgos predominantes como talla baja y...
Código CUPS (Codificación Única de Procedimientos en salud): 903016.
Sección: Química Clínica.
Nivel de complejidad: alto.
Metodología: Inmunoanálisis quimioluminiscente de partículas.
La prueba de ferritina es un inmunoanálisis quimioluminiscente de micropartículas (CMIA) de dos ...
In anaesthesia, anticipating problems and responding quickly and effectively to peri-operative risks to the patient is crucial. As a result of recent technological advances over the last few decades, ultrasound has emerged as a tool to guide a huge number of procedures in the practice of various specialt...
The National quality Forum (NQF) published in 2002 a report defining 27 "serious reportable events" in healthcare, with one additional event added in 2006, completing a total of 28 "never events", which are events that should not occur or are highly preventable. A goal in this era of measuring quality th...
Background: Target-controlled infusion (TCI) systems allow the administration of drug to achieve a target blood or site-effect concentration. We determine induction and recovery times and the amount of drug used with TCI systems vs. manual induction. Objective: To determine whether the induction of propo...
Introduction: Tracheostomy is a procedure indicated for patients with extended mechanical ventilation. Objective: The objective of the study was to learn about the technical characteristics, the appropriate timing for the procedure and its evolution. Material and method: Observational, retrospective stud...
Introduction: Perioperative hypothermia is a common condition associated with serious complications and perioperative mortality. The incidence of perioperative hypothermia is between 30 and 70%. Objective: To determine the status of perioperative monitoring and thermal protection in clinics and hospitals...
Introduction: Brachial plexus block as an anesthetic technique for upper limb surgery has some advantages over general anesthesia. The technique is widely used in our practice, with high effectiveness and adequate safety profile. However, the relationship between block failure and failure-determining fac...
Introduction: The use of guidelines for goal-oriented resuscitation in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock has a positive impact on multiple organ failure and mortality outcomes. However, in patients over 65, adherence to the guidelines may be less stringent because of considerations of lower fu...