Results: 1938

Distribution of molecular subtypes of advanced lung adenocarcinoma and clinical outcomes in a center of Argentina

Medicina (B.Aires); 78 (6), 2018
The prevalence of relevant oncogenic drivers in lung adenocarcinoma varies in our region and data on clinical outcomes is scarce. The objective of the study was to describe the prevalence of KRAS, BRAF and EGFR mutations and ALK translocations in patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma, and to depict ...

Centellografía con fosfonatos para el diagnóstico de la amiloidosis cardíaca por transtirretina
Bone seeking tracers' scintigraphy for the diagnosis of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis

Medicina (B.Aires); 78 (6), 2018
La amiloidosis cardíaca del subtipo transtirretina (ATTR) es una cardiopatía restrictiva que causa insuficiencia cardíaca en un número considerable de pacientes. Su identificación temprana permitiría brindar tratamientos específicos. Sin embargo, el diagnóstico de ATTR es complejo y requiere mét...

Perfil de seguridad a corto plazo de la terapia hormonal cruzada en trans-varones
Short-term safety profile of cross-hormonal therapy in trans-male subjects

Medicina (B.Aires); 78 (6), 2018
Se denomina trans-varón (TV) a una persona de sexo biológico femenino con identidad de género masculino. Para adquirir caracteres sexuales y expresar un rol social semejante podría utilizarse: terapia hormonal cruzada (THC) y/o genitoplastia masculinizante. Se evaluó el perfil de seguridad a corto p...

Internaciones en pacientes con ventilación domiciliaria crónica
Hospital admissions in patients with chronic home ventilation

Medicina (B.Aires); 78 (6), 2018
La ventilación mecánica domiciliaria representa un estándar de cuidados en la insuficiencia de la bomba ventilatoria. El modelo de seguimiento podría modificar la tasa de internaciones. Con la finalidad de estudiar las internaciones en pacientes con ventilación mecánica domiciliaria se diseñó un ...

Risk factors for new-onset diabetes mellitus after kidney transplantation (NODAT): a Brazilian single center study

ABSTRACT Objectives: This study aims to verify the new-onset diabetes after kidney transplant (NODAT) incidence in recipients within 1 year after kidney transplantation from a single center in Southern Brazil and to assess the associated conditions. Subjects and methods: A retrospective study of 258 po...

The characteristics of blood glucose fluctuations in patients with fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus in the stable stage

ABSTRACT Objective: The aim was to characterize blood glucose fluctuations in patients with fulminant type 1 diabetes (FT1DM) at the stable stage using continuous blood glucose monitoring systems (CGMSs). Subjects and methods: Ten patients with FT1DM and 20 patients with classic type 1 diabetes mellitu...

Heart rate response to graded exercise test of elderly subjects in different ranges of TSH levels

ABSTRACT Objective: Life expectancy is increasing worldwide and studies have been demonstrating that elevated serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration in elderly is associated with some better health outcomes. This elevation is somewhat physiological as aging. The aim of this study was to i...

Conversion to Graves disease from Hashimoto thyroiditis: a study of 24 patients

ABSTRACT Objective: The conversion of Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) to hyperthyroidism due to thyrotropin receptor antibodies is intriguing and considered rare. The contribution of TSH receptor blocking antibodies (TRAb), which may be stimulators (TSAb) or blockers (TBAb), is suspected. We describe clini...

A nova classificação de alimentos: teoria, prática e dificuldades

Resumo O objetivo desse trabalho foi expor a teoria, propor a prática e avaliar as dificuldades da nova classificação dos alimentos, apresentada na segunda edição do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira. Foi utilizado um questionário com uma lista de 30 alimentos divididos em quatro grupos:...

Influence of bone loss and inclination of incisor on periradicular stresses due to simulated bite force

Introduction: Adults with sequelae of periodontal disease tend to have bone loss, with consequent flaring of the maxillary incisors. Objective: The influence of bone loss and the inclination of the maxillary incisor in the distribution of stresses due to simulated bite forces was studied. Material an...