Results: 1938

Bond and topography evaluation of a Y-TZP ceramic with a superficial low-fusing porcelain glass layer after different hydrofluoric acid etching protocols

Introduction: Despite being one of the most studied ceramics today, zirconia still does not have a well-defined adhesion protocol. Objective: Evaluate the influence of different etching times and hydrofluoric acid (HF) concentrations on the zirconia surface and bond strength between a vitrified Y-TZP ...

Evaluation of the Shear Strength of Orthodontic Bands Cemented with New Composite Using Adhesive System

ABSTRACT: Orthodontic cements have been used to enhance retention between the band and the crown, however, unfavorable properties found in many of these cements may contribute to cement failure between band and crown's surface and leading to unsuccessful application of orthodontic forces. The aim of this...

Comparison of conventional and structured report in the evaluation of Crohn's disease through enterography

ABSTRACT Context: There is an increasing interest in the standardization of the evaluation of imaging exams, especially enterography in Crohn's disease. Objective: To compare the quality of the conventional report with the structured report in computed tomography enterography in Crohn's disease. Metho...

Tongue development in stillborns autopsied at different gestational ages

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 94 (6), 2018
Abstract Objectives: This study aimed to analyze, through the morphometric method, the perimeter and length of the tongue, the collagen fibers, and the perimeter of blood vessels at different gestational ages and fetal weights. Material and methods: Tongues (n = 55) of stillborns autopsied at 23-40 wee...

Agreement between Subjective Global Nutritional Assessment and the nutritional assessment of the World Health Organization

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 94 (6), 2018
Abstract Objective: To assess the agreement between the results of the Subjective Global Nutritional Assessment questionnaire, adapted for children and adolescents of the Brazilian population, and the nutritional status assessment method through growth curves and the classification of the World Health O...

Energy expenditure, growth, and nutritional therapy in appropriate and small for gestational age preterm infants

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 94 (6), 2018
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the resting energy expenditure, growth, and quantity of energy and macronutrients intake in a group of preterm newborns. Methods: The cohort study was performed with appropriate and small for gestational age preterm infants (birth weight lower than 1500 g or gestational ...

Musculoskeletal pain and musculoskeletal syndromes in adolescents are related to electronic devices

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 94 (6), 2018
Abstract Objective: To evaluate television and simultaneous electronic devices use in adolescents with musculoskeletal pain and musculoskeletal pain syndromes. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in 299 healthy adolescents of a private school. All students completed a self-administered quest...

Intestinal fructose malabsorption is associated with increased lactulose fermentation in the intestinal lumen

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 94 (6), 2018
Abstract Objective: To study fructose malabsorption in children and adolescents with abdominal pain associated with functional gastrointestinal disorders. As an additional objective, the association between intestinal fructose malabsorption and food intake, including the estimated fructose consumption, ...

Adesão à terapia antirretroviral de pacientes portadores de HIV/Aids com lipodistrofia

Objetivo: descrever o perfil de adesão à terapia antirretroviral (TARV) de pacientes com Síndrome Lipodistrófica do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (SLHIV), em uma unidade especializada do Estado do Pará, Brasil. Método: estudo qualiquantitativo, envolvendo questionário e prontuários de 124 p...

Utilidad de la monitorización terapéutica de infliximab en el manejo de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (11), 2018
Background: Primary non-response and secondary loss of response (LOR) are significant problems of biological therapy for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in IBD patients receiving these drugs can improve outcomes. Aim: To measure serum infliximab levels and anti-inflix...