Results: 1568

Sporotrichoid leishmaniasis: a cross-sectional clinical, epidemiological and laboratory study in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

ABSTRACT Background Atypical presentations of cutaneous leishmaniasis include sporotrichoid leishmaniasis (SL), which is clinically described as a primary ulcer combined with lymphangitis and nodules and/or ulcerated lesions along its pathway. Aims To assess the differences between patients with spor...

Utilidad del -2propsa y el índice de salud prostática en el diagnóstico de cáncer de prostáta en pacientes con PSA entre 3 Y 10 NG/ML

Rev. chil. urol; 82 (1), 2017
Introducción. La elevada incidencia del Cáncer de próstata (CaP) en nuestro medio unida al interés creciente acerca del sobrediagnóstico y sobretratamiento del mismo hacen necesario el estudio de nuevos marcadores que nos ayuden a predecir la presencia y la agresividad del mismo. Material y Métodos...

Caracterización de las pacientes con cáncer de ovario. Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico "Ramón González Coro" 2001-2013
Characterization of patients with ovarian cancer. Gyneco-obstetric Hospital "Ramón González Coro" 2001-2013

Rev. medica electron; 39 (supl.1), 2017
Introducción: actualmente en Cuba y en todo el mundo, el cáncer de ovario representa la octava causa más importante de neoplasias malignas en la mujer, pero es la cuarta causa relacionada con la mortalidad. Objetivo: identificar el comportamiento por tipos histológicos y por tratamientos del cáncer ...

Tumor del estroma gastrointestinal de localización gástrica. Presentación de un caso
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of gastric location. Case presentation

Rev. medica electron; 39 (supl.1), 2017
Los tumores estromales gastrointestinales son neoplasias que se originan en el tejido mesenquimal de la pared del tracto gastrointestinal. Se ha postulado que las células que originan estos tumores son las células intersticiales de Cajal, las cuales constituyen el marcapaso del tracto digestivo, se hal...

Expression of E-cadherin and involucrin in leukoplakia and oral cancer: an immunocytochemical and immunohistochemical study

Abstract To assess the immunocytochemical and immunohistochemical correlation of adhesion (E-cadherin) and cell differentiation (involucrin) molecules in oral leukoplakia and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cytological samples and biopsies were obtained from male and female patients aged over 30 years with...

Immunohistochemical expression of TGF-β1 and MMP-9 in periapical lesions

Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β1) in periapical lesion samples correlated with the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate and thickness of the epithelial lining. Forty-five cases of...

Ki-67 protein predicts survival in oral squamous carcinoma cells: an immunohistochemical study

Abstract The aim of this study was to identify the expression of Ki-67 and MCM3 in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) as well as to address the correlation with patient survival and clinical features. Samples were collected from 51 patients with OSCC who presented for follow-up. Immunohistochemical expr...

Probiotic therapy reduces inflammation and improves intestinal morphology in rats with induced oral mucositis

Abstract The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of systemic administration of probiotics (PROB) on the progression of experimentally induced oral and intestinal mucositis in rats immunosuppressed by chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil: 5-FU). Twenty-four rats were divided into the following gro...

P-glycoprotein expression in oral lichen planus

Abstract: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a stress induced inflammatory condition with malignant potency. The mdr1 (multidrug resistance) is a stress gene overexpressed in cancerous conditions and its translated form, the p-glycoprotein efflux transporter is usually overexpressed with chemotherapy, leading t...

Endoscopia preoperatoria en cirugía bariátrica: es realmente necesaria
Preoperative endoscopy in bariatric surgery: it is really necessary

Patologías esofagogástricas son reconocidas antes y después de procedimientos bariátricos, pero frecuentemente y severamente debatidos. Se realizó un estudio con la finalidad de comparar los hallazgos endoscópicos del aparato digestivo superior con los resultados de anatomía patológica en pacient...