LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 1968

Perfil epidemiológico del paciente con diagnóstico de tuberculosis, en terapia de sustitución renal en el periodo de enero 2012 a diciembre 2016 en el Hospital Nacional Rosales

La tuberculosis se encuentra en estrecha relación con enfermedades que provocan estados de inmunodeficiencia como la enfermedad renal crónica terminal. El objetivo principal de la investigación realizada, es describir el perfil epidemiológico de los pacientes con tuberculosis en terapia de sustituciÃ...

Características clínicas y epidemiológicas de niños menores de 12 años con diagnóstico de tuberculosis en Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom durante los años de enero 2014 - diciembre 2015

La tuberculosis es una enfermedad transmisible y las características clínicas y epidemiológicas en la población infantil difieren con el adulto lo que dificulta su diagnóstico. El diseño fue observacional descriptivo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal; se revisaron expedientes clínicos de los a...

Adherence to tuberculosis treatment in Primary Health Care: perception of patients and professionals in a large municipality

Abstract Objective: Analyze the actions developed in Primary Health Care (PHC) to promote adherence to tuberculosis (TB) treatment in the perception of patients and nursing team. Methods: Cross-sectional epidemiological study conducted at the PHC of Campinas-SP, through structured interviews with 18 co...

Spatial distribution of tuberculosis in indigenous and non-indigenous populations in the state of Pará, Brazil, 2005-2013

Objective: To analyze the incidence of tuberculosis in indigenous and non-indigenous residents in the state of Pará from 2005-2013. Method: An ecological study was performed with data from SINAN, stratified for the 13 existing Regional Health Centers in Pará. The tuberculosis incidence rates were calc...

Conhecimento e atitudes dos familiares de presidiários acerca da tuberculose: estudo descritivo

Objetivo: avaliar o conhecimento, as atitudes e as práticas de familiares de indivíduos privados de liberdade acerca da tuberculose e avaliar a associação entre o conhecimento e as características sociodemográficas dessa população. Método: estudo transversal d...

Spatial distribution of tuberculosis in a municipality in the interior of São Paulo, 2008-2013

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the epidemiological clinical profile of tuberculosis and analyze the spatial distribution of cases in a municipality in the state of São Paulo. Method: descriptive and ecological study of cases of tuberculosis through the records in an information system. Descriptive st...

Discourses of healthcare professionals about health surveillance actions for Tuberculosis control

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 51 (), 2017
Abstract OBJECTIVE To analyze the meanings produced in the Health Surveillance actions for tuberculosis control, carried out by healthcare professionals in Mozambique. METHOD Qualitative study using the theoretical and methodological framework of the French Discourse Analysis. RESULTS A total of 15 he...