ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the professional practice models used by nurses in the hospital context. Method: A descriptive study with a qualitative approach was carried out in 19 hospitals with 56 nurses. Data collection was carried out by means of a semi-structured interview. Results: The followin...
Abstract Objective: To analyze the basis on which the behavioral approach model adopted by Brazilian Pediatric Dentistry throughout its history was built. Material and Methods: A semi-structured interview, applied to six pioneering professors in Brazilian Pediatric Dentistry, dealted with the model tha...
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate associations between quality of life, sex, age, burden, and nature of emotional support available in the family in older adults who are caregivers of older relatives. Method: Cross-sectional and correlational study on 148 caregivers gathered in public and private heal...
Cuidadores/estadística & datos numéricos,
Distribución de Chi-Cuadrado,
Correlación de Datos,
Costo de Enfermedad,
Estudios Transversales,
Entrevistas como Asunto/métodos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Investigación Cualitativa,
Calidad de Vida/psicología,
Apoyo Social
Santos-Orlandi, Ariene Angelini dos;
Brigola, Allan Gustavo;
Ottaviani, Ana Carolina;
Luchesi, Bruna Moretti;
Souza, Érica Nestor;
Moura, Fernanda Gomez de;
Zacarin, Juliana de Fátima;
Terassi, Mariélli;
Oliveira, Nathalia Alves de;
Pavarini, Sofia Cristina Iost.
ABSTRACT Objective: to investigate the association between frailty, loneliness and depressive symptoms of elderly caregivers. Method: a cross - sectional study carried out with 341 elderly caregivers enrolled in Family Health Units of a city in the countryside of São Paulo State. The interviews were d...
Cuidadores/estadística & datos numéricos,
Estudios Transversales,
Entrevistas como Asunto/métodos,
Modelos Logísticos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Encuestas y Cuestionarios
ABSTRACT Objective: Analyze the perception of elderly widow women about their health situation. Method: Descriptive and exploratory research, based on qualitative approach performed with 34 widowed women aged 60 years and over, enrolled in primary health care. It was used content analysis in its themat...
Estado de Salud,
Entrevistas como Asunto/métodos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Atención Primaria de Salud/métodos,
Atención Primaria de Salud/tendencias,
Investigación Cualitativa,
Viudez/estadística & datos numéricos
ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the life experiences that favor transcendence of the elderly being. Method: a qualitative phenomenological hermeneutic study, in two groups of elderly coexistence. The selection of participants was by intentional sampling: 11 elderly, achieving theoretical saturation. ...
ABSTRACT Objective: understand elderly care dynamics of an emergency care unit. Method: this is a case study evaluation, using a qualitative approach and the theoretical-methodological reference of a fourth generation evaluation. Data collection was conducted between February and September 2017, throug...
Estudios de Casos y Controles,
Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital/organización & administración,
Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital/normas,
Personal de Salud/psicología,
Entrevistas como Asunto/métodos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Investigación Cualitativa,
Calidad de la Atención de Salud
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the development of the labor market in Gerontological Nursing in Brazil, between 1970 and 1996. Method: a descriptive-qualitative study with a historical approach that uses the oral history of 14 research nurses working in the historical period, based on the ideas of Elio...
ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the structure and dynamics of families in the late stage of the life cycle that have a member with intellectual disability. Method: qualitative research using the Calgary Family Assessment Model as methodological framework. The study had 38 participants, distributed in...
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand how nursing workers perceive care of hypertension (HBP) in older adult within the scope of the Family Health Strategy. Method: A qualitative descriptive study carried out in the city of Natal/RN, with 20 nursing workers providing care to older adults with HBP. The data...