Results: 221

Evolución de la función pulmonar en niños con fibrosis quística durante los primeros 3 años de vida

Arch. argent. pediatr; 117 (5), 2019
Introducción. La prevención temprana de las complicaciones respiratorias en niños con fibrosis quística determina una mayor sobrevida. La aplicación de pruebas de función pulmonar desde los primeros meses de vida permite detectar el compromiso respiratorio, inclusive en niños asintomáticos. Objet...

Effects of Obesity on the pulmonary function test

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (10), 2019
Aim: To evaluate the effects of increasing BMI on the Respiratory function. Introduction: There is a worldwide increasing prevalence of overweihgt and obesity. Researchers have found that obesity affects the respiratory function leading to different respiratory medical illnesses, including asthma and obs...

Health-related quality of life in post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans: agreement between children and their proxy

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (5), 2019
Abstract Objective: To assess the level of agreement in health-related quality of life between children with Post-infectious Bronchiolitis Obliterans and their parent (so-called proxy). Methods: Participants aged between 8and 17 years who had been previously diagnosed with Post-infectious Bronchiolitis...

Caso Clínico: Discinesia Ciliar Primaria (Síndrome de Kartagener)

INTRODUCCIÓN: La discinesia ciliar primaria es un trastorno hereditario autosómico recesivo, que afecta la función de las células ciliadas y se caracteriza por infecciones respiratorias a repetición y afecta tanto al tracto respiratorio superior e inferior, puede asociarse con trastornos de...

Relationship between pulmonary function, functional independence, and trunk control in patients with stroke

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 77 (6), 2019
ABSTRACT Stroke often leads to abnormalities in muscle tone, posture, and motor control that may compromise voluntary motor function, thus affecting the motor control required for maintaining the synergy of both peripheral and respiratory muscles. Objective To evaluate respiratory muscle strength, pulm...

Impacto do uso do cicloergômetro na função respiratória, cardiovascular, capacidade aeróbica, funcional e qualidade de vida de pacientes com doença renal crônica em hemodiálise

Fisioter. Bras; 20 (2), 2019
Investigar por meio de uma revisão sistemática o impacto do uso de cicloergômetro na função respiratória, cardiovascular, capacidade aeróbica, funcional e qualidade de vida em pacientes com doença renal crônica durante a hemodiálise. Métodos: A pesquisa buscou referências de janeiro de 2010 a...

Exercise capacity in children and adolescents with post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans: a systematic review

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate exercise capacity in children and adolescents with post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans. Data source: This is a systematic review based on data from PubMed, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Onlin...

Photogrammetry: a proposal of objective assessment of chest wall in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the chest wall shape in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) in comparison to healthy subjects and the association between the chest wall shape with the spine deformity and lung function in patients with AIS. Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled ...

Potencia aeróbica máxima en el obeso: Valores de referencia

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (3), 2019
Background: The evaluation of physical fitness is important to determine workloads and to assess the effectiveness of exercise interventions in obese people. Aim: To determine the maximum aerobic power output (MAPO) in overweight and obese individuals and to establish reference parameters for the Chilea...

Influence of dexamethasone and surfactant in the vitality and lung function of preterm lambs born by cesarean section

The aim of this study was to assess the vitality and lung function of preterm lambs. Twenty seven preterm lambs were divided in four groups. Group I (n=6) preterm lambs/ control; group II (n=9) lambs born to mothers that were treated with dexamethasone antepartum; group III (n=6) lambs treated with surfa...