Results: 133

Standardization of anti-lethal toxin potency test of antivenoms prepared from two different Agkistrodon halys venoms

In Korea, antivenoms for the treatment of patients bitten by venomous snakes have been imported from Japan or China. Although there is cross-reactivity between these antibodies and venoms from snakes indigenous to Korea (e.g. Agkistrodon genus), protection is not optimal. Antivenoms specifically prepared...

Intraspecific variation of Bothrops pubescens (cope, 1869) venom in Uruguay (serpentes: viperidae)

In Uruguay, there was no information about the variations degree in Bothrops pubescens venoms until the present work, in which we investigated intraspecific venom variation using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). We found some differences in the venom protein profile; however, they were not ...

Evaluation of the effects of photooxidized Echis carinatus venom on learning, memory and stress

Snake venoms are a mixture of complex proteins, which have many physical and pharmacological properties. Photochemical detoxification has been suggested to generate photooxidized Echis carinatus venom product (POECVP). Antigenically-active photooxidized species of Echis carinatus venom could be obtained ...

Neuromuscular activity of Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis snake venom in mouse nerve-muscle preparations

The pharmacological effects of Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis venom on mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations were studied. Venom (20 mug/ml) irreversibly inhibited indirectly evoked twitches in PND preparations (60 ± 10 percent inhibition, mean ± SEM; p<0.05; n=6). At 50 mug/ml, the venom bloc...

Treatment of Bothrops alternatus envenomation by Curcuma longa and Calendula officinalis extracts and ar-turmerone

Investigou-se a eficácia do extrato de plantas no tratamento local do envenenamento botrópico. Veneno de serpentes Bothrops alternatus (1,25µg) diluído em 100µl de solução salina estéril foi inoculado (via intradérmica) entre as escápulas de 30 coelhos. Os animais foram divididos em seis grupos...

Fixação de enxerto cutâneo em malha de espessura total com sutura ou cola de fibrina
Fixation of full-thickness mesh skin using suture or fibrin glue

Avaliou-se a influência da cola de fibrina, derivada do veneno de serpente, na fixação e integração de enxerto de pele. Foram utilizados nove cães, sem raça definida, com peso médio de 15kg. Foi induzida ferida de 4I4cm de área, na face crânio-proximal dos antebraços direito e esquerdo. Um enx...

Avaliação das lesões locais de cães envenenados experimentalmente com Bothrops alternatus após diferentes tratamentos
Evaluation of local lesions in dogs experimentally envenomed by Bothrops alternatus after different treatments

The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic action of flunixin meglumine and aqueous extract of Curcuma longa (10 percent) on local lesions caused by bothropic venom, comparing with the specific antivenom. Twelve adult dogs were inoculated in the middle third of the lateral face of the thigh wi...

Características bioquímicas y capacidad neutralizante de cuatro antivenenos polivalentes frente a los efectos farmacológicos y enzimáticos del veneno de Bothrops Asper y Porthidium Nasutum de Antioquia y Chocó
Biochemical characteristics and neutralizing capacity of four polyvalent antivenoms against the pharmacological and enzymatic effects of the venom of Bothrops Asper and Porthidium Nasutum from Antioquia and Chocó

Iatreia; 15 (1), 2002
En Colombia, el 90-95 por ciento de las 3000 mordeduras de serpientes informadas cada año, son ocasionadas por Bothrops sp, con una elevada mortalidad y secuelas. Siguiendo recomendaciones de la OMS, se evaluó la capacidad neutralizante de los efectos farmacológicos y enzimáticos de los venenos de Bo...

Clonagem, expressäo e estudo de alguns cDNAs codificando proteínas estruturalmente relacionadas às alfa neurotoxinas da glândula de veneno da cobra coral Micrurus corallinus (Serpentes, Elapidae)

De uma bibliteca de cDNA da glândula de veneno da cobra coral brasileira Micrurus corallinus foi isolada uma seqüência denominada NXH8. Esta seqüência de cDNA apresenta similaridade estrutural com a família de toxinas de serpentes em "três dígitos" ricas em pontes dissulfeto. A subclasse melhor c...