Results: 1289

Trabajo y salud en conductores de taxis

Cienc. Trab; 19 (59), 2017
RESUMEN La conducción de taxis es una actividad potencialmente insalubre debido a las condiciones laborales que caracterizan la tarea, como la informalidad o la exposición a diferentes fuentes de riesgos para la salud. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue aportar información sobre las condiciones labo...

Fatores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento de bulimia e anorexia nervosa em estudantes universitários: uma revisão integrativa
Risk factors associated with the development of bulimia and anorexia nervosa in college students: an integrative review

HU rev; 43 (1), 2017
Os transtornos de comportamento alimentar são denominados distúrbios psiquiátricos de etiologia multifatorial, caracterizados por consumo, padrões e atitudes alimentares extremamente distorcidas e preocupação exagerada com o peso e forma corporal, sendo os mais conhecidos a Bulimia e Anorexia Nervo...

Dietary patterns and associated factors among the elderly

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to identify dietary patterns among the elderly, and associate the same with sociodemographic characteristics, health and lifestyle. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with a non-probabilistic sample of 295 elderly residents of both genders of the ...

Description of the feeding preferences of triatominae in the Chagas disease surveillance study for the State of Pernambuco, Brazil (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Studying the feeding preferences of triatomines is an important entomological surveillance tool, since continuous surveillance of the disease is necessary. METHODS: The precipitin reaction was used to describe the feeding preferences of triatomines along with their natural infe...

Rumination, worry and negative problem orientation: transdiagnostic processes of anxiety, eating behavior and mood disorders

Acta colomb. psicol; 20 (2), 2017
Abstract This research presents the relationship between the cognitive processes of negative problem orientation, trait worry and rumination, with anxious and depressive symptomatology and difficulties in eating behavior. The study was conducted with a non-clinical and intentional sample of 176 adults fr...

Reception of nutrition information by adult and older adult users of Primary Healthcare: Occurrence, associated factors, and sources of information

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 30 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate reception of nutrition information (outcome), associated factors, and types of sources. Methods: This cross-sectional study, conducted in 2013, included 1,246 adult and older adult users of the Primary Healthcare network of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The samp...

Herramienta metodológica para la promoción de espacios y hábitos saludables para la prevención de la fasciolasis y geohelmintiasis en la comunidad. Guía para el facilitador
Methodological tool for the promotion of healthy spaces and habits for the prevention of fasciolasis and geohelminthiasis in the community. Facilitator Guide

El documento tiene como objetivo apoyar al personal profesional y técnico de diferentes disciplinas y campos laborales vinculados a la promoción de la salud, la educación, el fortalecimiento de la actividad agropecuaria y el desarrollo comunal en general, en distritos endémicos de Fasciolosis y Geohe...

Risco para desenvolvimento de ortorexia nervosa e o comportamento alimentar de estudantes universitários

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.); 10 (1), 2017
Avaliar o risco para o desenvolvimento de ortorexia nervosa e o comportamento alimentar de estudantes universitários. Pesquisa qualitativa/quantitativa de caráter descritivo e transversal, realizada em instituição de nível superior em Petrolina- PE. Utilizaram-se dois questionários na coleta de dad...

Eating behaviors in a male and female community sample: psychometric properties of the DEBQ

Ter. psicol; 35 (2), 2017
The aim of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) in a community sample of chilean adults. The sample comprised 627 participants who completed a battery of questionnaires. The mean age of the sample was 36.07 years (SD =12.49), and 66.2% of ...