Results: 3

Transtibial Femoral Tunnel Technique in ACL Reconstruction and Osteoarthritis Incidence

Abstract Objective: Evaluate osteoarthritis incidence in patients that undergone ACL reconstruction using the transtibial technique, with a minimum of 5 years of follow up, with isolated ACL injury. Methods: Patients who underwent ACL reconstruction by the same surgeon using the transtibial technique w...

Must a Knee with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency and High-grade Pivot Shift Test Present an Increase in Internal Rotation?

Abstract Objective: Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most common injuries in athletes and is often associated with damage to anterolateral structures. This combination of injuries presents itself clinically as a high-grade pivot shift test. The hypothesis of this study is th...

Frecuencia del dolor anterior de rodilla luego de reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior con autoinjerto hueso-tendón-hueso
Frequency of anterior knee pain following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with bone-tendon-bone autograft

Introducción. La ruptura del ligamento anterior cruzado (LCA) es una condición frecuente a nivel global y la reconstrucción artroscópica con autoinjerto de hueso-tendón-hueso (HTH) constituye una de las técnicas quirúrgicas para su tratamiento. No obstante, esta técnica puede generar complicacion...