Results: 3

Ayahuasca e saúde mental: efeitos do seu uso associado a casos de depressão

O aumento de casos de depressão na população mundial leva ao questionamento sobre a eficácia dos tratamentos farmacológicos e fomenta a busca por tratamentos alternativos. Estudos a respeito da ayahuasca e seus efeitos na depressão vêm sendo realizados. Por meio de uma re...

Evidence from Cochrane systematic reviews on pharmacological treatment compared to placebo for panic disorder

ABSTRACT. Panic disorder is an anxiety condition characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. The comparison between active treatment and placebo is essential to analyze an intervention's efficacy and safety. It is important to identify and summarize the studies with higher evidence to assist...

The Effect of Neuromodulatory Drugs on the Intensity of Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women: A Systematic Review

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effect of neuromodulatory drugs on the intensity of chronic pelvic pain (CPP) in women. Data sources: Searches were carried out in the PubMed, Cochrane Central, Embase, Lilacs, OpenGrey, and Clinical Trials databases. Selection of studies: The searches were carried ...