Results: 4

Investigation of the protective effect of boric acid against hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic injury induced by acrylamide in rats

Int. j. morphol; 41 (2), 2023
SUMMARY: To investigate if the administration of boric acid (BA) would exert any protective effect against possible nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity induced by the exposure to acrylamide (ACR) in rats. In our study, we used a total of 28 rats that were divided into four equal groups. Group 1: the contro...

Ototoxicity of boric acid powder in a rat animal model

Abstract Introduction: Boric acid, which has antiseptic and acidic properties, is used to treat external and middle ear infections. However, we have not found any literature about the effect of boric acid powder on middle ear mucosa and inner ear. Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate ...

Pathogenetic trial of boric acid in bean and tomato plant

Int. j. high dilution res; 10 (34), 2011
Background: homeopathy is held in organic agriculture as a means to control disease and plagues. However, different from doctors, who have works on materia medica and repertories available to choose the most suitable homeopathic medicine for each patient, agronomists do not yet have an equivalent Homeopa...

Efeito espermicida in vitro da associaçäo ácido bórico-sulfato de 8-hidroxiquinolina em pessários de manteiga de cacau
In vitro spermicidal effect of the combination of acid 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate in vaginal suppository of cacao's butter

J. bras. ginecol; 95 (4), 1985
O autor demonstra, com técnica própria in vitro, que a associaçäo ácido bórico-quinosol apresenta marcante feito espermicida em 100% da populaçäo de espermatozóides em 10 lotes de sêmen humano testados ...