Results: 10

Feeding preference of the shredder Phylloicus sp. for plant leaves of Chrysophyllum oliviforme or Miconia chartacea after conditioning in streams from different biomes

Braz. j. biol; 79 (1), 2019
Abstract Macroinvertebrate shredders consume preferably leaves conditioned by fungi and bacteria which offer greater palatability to them. Plant species in Cerrado present high concentration of chemical elements such as lignin and cellulose, phenols and tanins thus making them less attractive for shredd...

Physiological, cellular and molecular aspects of the desiccation tolerance in Anadenanthera colubrina seeds during germination

Braz. j. biol; 77 (4), 2017
Abstract During germination, orthodox seeds become gradually intolerant to desiccation, and for this reason, they are a good model for recalcitrance studies. In the present work, physiological, biochemical, and ultrastructural aspects of the desiccation tolerance were characterized during the germination...

Seed removal of Dipteryx alata Vog. (Leguminosae: Faboidae) in the edge and interior of Cerrado

Braz. j. biol; 77 (4), 2017
Abstract Post-dispersal seed agents of mortality include pathogens, invertebrates, and vertebrates, which may shape tropical tree populations and communities. In this study I experimentally evaluated Dipteryx alata endocarp removal both in the interior and edge of Cerrado vegetation. Specifically, I simu...

Effects of soil and space on the woody species composition and vegetation structure of three Cerrado phytophysiognomies in the Cerrado-Amazon transition

Braz. j. biol; 77 (4), 2017
Abstract The Cerrado Biome is considered one of the world's biodiversity hotspots because of its rich biodiversity, the high level of endemism and the increasing threat. The Cerrado is composed by a mosaic of different vegetation types, including physiognomies that vary from grasslands (campo limpo) to s...

Spondias tuberosa Arruda (Anacardiaceae), a threatened tree of the Brazilian Caatinga?

Braz. j. biol; 77 (3), 2017
Abstract Spondias tuberosa Arr., a fructiferous tree endemic to the northeast Brazilian tropical dry forest called Caatinga, accounts for numerous benefits for its ecosystem as well as for the dwellers of the Caatinga. The tree serves as feed for pollinators and dispersers as well as fodder for domestic ...

Environmental drivers on leaf phenology of ironstone outcrops species under seasonal climate

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Banded iron formations (BIF) have a particular vegetation type and provide a good model system for testing theories related to leaf phenology, due to unique stressful environmental conditions. As a consequence of the stressful conditions of BIF environment, we hypothesize that most species would...

Efecto del manejo sobre la diversidad de árboles en vegetación secundaria en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Calakmul, Campeche, México

Rev. biol. trop; 65 (1), 2017
ResumenEl bosque tropical seco (BTS) de la Península de Yucatán ha sido manejado por siglos, pero la relación del efecto del manejo sobre la diversidad de árboles no ha sido completamente entendida. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del manejo forestal (aclareos, aprovechamiento y enr...

Canopy cover negatively affects arboreal ant species richness in a tropical open habitat

Braz. j. biol; 76 (4), 2016
Abstract We tested the hypothesis of a negative relationship between vegetation characteristics and ant species richness in a Brazilian open vegetation habitat, called candeial. We set up arboreal pitfalls to sample arboreal ants and measured the following environmental variables, which were used as surr...

Effects of climate and forest structure on palms, bromeliads and bamboos in Atlantic Forest fragments of Northeastern Brazil

Braz. j. biol; 76 (4), 2016
Abstract Palms, bromeliads and bamboos are key elements of tropical forests and understanding the effects of climate, anthropogenic pressure and forest structure on these groups is crucial to forecast structural changes in tropical forests. Therefore, we investigated the effects of these factors on the a...

Relações nutricionais log-transformadas para avaliação nutricional de cupuaçueiros comerciais

Acta amaz; 40 (1), 2010
A transformação logarítmica das relações bivariadas no cálculo das normas e dos índices do sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação de nutrientes (DRIS) tem sido sugerida como uma forma de melhorar a acurácia do sistema, principalmente por diminuir a inconsistência na distribuição de fre...