Results: 63

Evaluation of plaque index, gingival index and oral health-related quality of life in obese patients

Odovtos (En linea); 25 (1), 2023
Obesity is a chronic disease that may be related to caries, periodontitis, xerostomia, and dental erosion, as well as increasing morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the plaque index (Silness & Löe, 1964), the gingival index (Löe & Silness, 1963), and the oral health-related q...

Comparison of Oncostatin M in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis with and without Diabetes

Abstract Objective: To compare the Oncostatin M (OSM) concentrations in tissues of patients with chronic periodontitis with and without diabetes. Material and Methods: Sixty-four subjects visiting the dental outpatient department were categorized as "healthy" (Group 1), "periodontitis" (Group 2), and "...

Evaluation of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy as an Adjuvant in Periodontal Treatment in Individual with Down Syndrome

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy (aPDT), associated with scaling and root planing in the non-surgical periodontal treatment of individuals with Down Syndrome. Material and Methods: A controlled, randomized, split-mouth study was conducted. A total ...

Análisis Comparativo de la Eficacia, Comodidad y Seguridad del Cepillo Eléctrico Oscilante-Rotatorio Oral-B en Pacientes Portadores de Ortodoncia Fija: Un Ensayo Clínico Aleatorizado

La higiene oral es fundamental en pacientes en tratamiento de ortodoncia. Actualmente hay una oferta amplia de cepillos eléctricos con este fin. El objetivo del presente estudio, fue determinar la eficacia y la comodidad del cep illo eléctrico Oral-B® Professional Care 500 en pacientes portadores de o...

Efectividad del cepillo dental eléctrico versus manual para la remoción de biofilm en pacientes con síndrome de Down
Effectiveness of electric versus manual toothbrush for biofilm removal in patients with Down syndrome

Rev. ADM; 78 (4), 2021
Introducción: La salud oral en pacientes con síndrome de Down (SD) es un reto, ya que las alteraciones en la motricidad ocasionadas por la discapacidad intelectual (DI) hacen que tareas como la remoción del biofilm oral o placa dentobacteriana (PDB) con el cepillado sea deficiente. La efectividad de l...

Índice de Placa Bacteriana, Índice Gingival y Prueba de Silometría en Pacientes con Síndrome de Sjögren Primario y Secundario

El síndrome de Sjögren (SS) es una enfermedad crónica autoinmune presente en el 0.1 - 3.0 % de la población, en la que se encuentran involucradas las glándulas salivales, trayendo consigo manifestaciones orales como caries dental y enfermedad periodontal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el ...

Desfechos periodontais e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal em indivíduos de transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas, fígado e rim: um estudo transversal comparativo

Esse estudo observacional transversal comparativo teve como objetivos avaliar os parâmetros clínicos periodontais, índice gengival modificado (IGM), índice de placa visível (IPV), crescimento gengival induzido por drogas (CGID), mensurar volume e fluxo do fluido crevicular gengival (FCG), perda dent...

Association between fixed orthodontic treatment and dental caries: a 1-year longitudinal study

Abstract: This longitudinal study aimed to assess the association between the use of fixed orthodontic appliances and the incidence/increment of active caries lesions in adolescents and young adults over a one-year period. A total of 135 10-30-year-old individuals were divided into two groups: Group G0 w...

Periodontal Comparison on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients and Healthy Subjects: A Cross-Sectional Study

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze periodontal comparison between Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) subject and healthy control. Material and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study included 122 subjects, 61 SLE patients and 61 healthy subjects who visited the Rheumatology Department, Dr. Saiful A...

The effect of dental plaque level and self-performed oral hygiene on periodontal status: a cross-sectional study in Brazilian Indigenous

Objective: This study evaluated the associations of periodontal status with dental plaque index and frequency of toothbrushing and flossing in Kiriri Brazilian Indigenous people. Methods: Gingival bleeding, periodontal clinical attachment level, and dental plaque index were clinically evaluated in 204 ad...