Results: 2

Flower Biology and the Effects of Different Chemicals on Pollen Germination of Some Early Sweet Cherry Cultivars

Abstract Sweet cherry fruit is a tasty and valuable product for consumers. In order to increase the export share of cherry, which is also very important in export, it is beneficial to grow with cherry varieties that mature at different times. The cherries offered to the market in the early period will be...

Trichophyton album (Sabouraud, 1909): Caso clínico - Estudo micológico de cultura sobre meio a base de estafilococo

Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz; 5 (1), 1945
Descreve o autor, pormenorizadamente, o caso de um menino com lesões do couro cabeludo, o que é raro, e da pele glabra devida ao T. album (Sabouraud, 1909). O exame microscópico dos cabelos parasitados revelou tratar-se de Megasporo. As culturas em meio açucarado de Sabouraud não puderam ser obtidas...