Results: 117

Prevalence of karyotype alterations in couples with recurrent pregnancy loss in a tertiary center in Brazil

Abstract Objective To assess the prevalence and type of chromosomal abnormalities in Brazilian couples with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) and compare the clinical characteristics of couples with and without chromosome abnormalities. Methods We assessed the medical records of 127 couples with a histo...

Biochemical markers for prediction of the first half pregnancy losses: a review

Abstract Objective 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, and up to 10% of clinically diagnosed pregnancies, and recurrent pregnancy loss is 5% among couples of childbearing ages. Although there are several known causes of pregnancy loss in the first half, including recurrent pregnancy loss, includ...

Integrative analysis in toxicological assessment of the insecticide Malathion in Allium cepa L. system

Braz. j. biol; 83 (), 2023
Abstract For many centuries human populations have been suffering and trying to fight with disease-bearing mosquitoes. Emerging and reemerging diseases such as Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya affect billions of people around the world and recently has been appealing to control with chemical pesticides. Mal...

Cytogenetic abnormalities in patients with hematological malignancies in Lahore city, Pakistan

Braz. j. biol; 83 (), 2023
Abstract Hematological and hematopoietic cells malignancies of the genes and hematopoietic cells are associated with the genetic mutation, often at the chromosomal level. The standard cytogenetic study is widely accepted as one of the main diagnostics and prognostic determinants in patients. Therefore, t...

Mutagenic Evaluation of Fluoxetine and Fluoxetine-Galactomannan Complex Through the Analysis of Chromosomal Aberrations in Human Peripheral Leukocytes and Salmonella typhimurium/Microssome Assay

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mutagenic potential of fluoxetine and fluoxetine-galactomannan. Methods: Chromosomal aberration test and Salmonella typhimurium/microsome mutagenicity assay. Results: The results showed that fluoxetine (250 μg/mL) can cause chromosomal breaks of ...

Behavior of the Genetic Markers at Screening during the First Trimester of Pregnancy in Euploid Fetuses

Abstract Objective This study aims to describe the behavior of chromosomopathy screenings in euploid fetuses. Methods This is a prospective descriptive study with 566 patients at 11 to 14 weeks of gestation. The associations between ultrasound scans and serological variables were studied. For the quant...

Identificación de aberraciones cromosómicas en una población infantil costarricense con discapacidad intelectual idiopática

Poblac. salud mesoam; 19 (2), 2022
Resumen La prevalencia mundial de la discapacidad intelectual (DI) es del 3 %. Una de las causas más comunes de DI de origen genético son las aberraciones cromosómicas, las cuales resultan fácilmente detectables mediante un cariotipo. Sin embargo, muchas de estas pasan desapercibidas durante el anál...

Alteraciones citogenéticas en pacientes con diagnóstico de infertilidad en Lima, Perú

INTRODUCCIÓN: La infertilidad es una enfermedad multicausal y el componente genético representa uno de sus principales eventos. Si bien la distribución de la infertilidad puede variar entre poblaciones, las parejas de los países con bajos y medianos ingresos pueden verse más afectadas por la inferti...

Detección rápida de aneuploidías para la definición de incompatibilidad con la vida extrauterina independiente

OBJETIVO: Analizar la implementación de la prueba rápida de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa cuantitativa y fluorescente (QF-PCR) para la detección de aneuploidías. MÉTODO: Se incluyeron todas las pacientes que se realizaron una QF-PCR entre septiembre de 2017 y mayo de 2021. En todos los casos ...

Identificação de regiões candidatas a mapeamento fenotípico anormal a partir de rearranjos cromossômicos estruturais considerados balanceados
Identification of candidate regions for abnormal phenotypic mapping from structural chromosome rearrangements considered to be balanced

A maioria dos casos de portadores de translocações balanceadas são clinicamente normais, porém, cerca de 7% delas estão associadas a alterações fenotípicas, que incluem malformações congênitas e/ou retardo mental. Investigações detalhadas das regiões dos sítios de quebra desses rearranjos ...