Results: 3

Evaluation of non-endemic pemphigus foliaceus in a large series of patients: a single-center retrospective study from Turkey focuses on the relapses

An. bras. dermatol; 96 (4), 2021
Abstract Background: Pemphigus foliaceus is exceedingly rare around the world, except within the few regions where it occurs as an endemic variant. Various factors can trigger immune mechanisms that induce pemphigus foliaceus or worsen its course. Objective: To determine the demographic and clinical ch...

Dermatoscopy of the Borst-Jadassohn phenomenon in hidroacanthoma simplex

An. bras. dermatol; 95 (1), 2020
Abstract The Borst-Jadassohn phenomenon is a morphological finding that consists of the presence of well-defined nests of cells located in the spiny stratum of an acanthotic epidermis. One of the neoplasms where this phenomenon is found is hidroacanthoma simplex. This neoplasm is considered the intraepid...