Results: 3

Lifestyle and anthropometric indicators have greater associations with steps/day in boys than in girls

ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the association of lifestyle, anthropometric, sociodemographic, family and school environment indicators with the number of steps/day in children. Methods: The sample consisted of 334 children (171 boys) from nine to 11 years old. Participants used the Actigraph GT3X acc...

Comparación de los niveles de actividad física durante la vida universitaria

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (4), 2018
Background: A high percentage of Chilean university students are inactive. Aim: To determine differences in physical activity (PA) levels and energy expenditure in a group of university students according to their length of stay in the university. Material and Methods: We studied 56 students aged 22 ±...

El auto-reporte de actividad física y comportamientos sedentarios no concuerda con la acelerometría en escolares mexicanos

Resumen: Introducción: La evaluación precisa de la actividad física (AF) en escolares es necesaria para implementar estrategias que favorezcan estilos de vida activos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la validez de un cuestionario autoadministrado de AF y actividades sedentarias y ligera...