Results: 7

The effects of sexual violence experienced in childhood and adolescence on undergraduate students

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the prevalence of adolescents and young adults who were victims of sexual violence at some point in their lives and to compare the presence of depressive and anxious symptoms, quality of life, and use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs among this po...

Gender and generation perspectives in the narratives of sexually abused women in childhood

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the narratives of sexually abused women in childhood, identifying issues related to gender and generation. Method: descriptive research with a qualitative approach, based on 214 reports selected from the Brazilian campaign #primeiroassedio (first harassment), which took p...

Association between resilience and posttraumatic stress disorder among Brazilian victims of urban violence: a cross-sectional case-control study

Abstract Introduction This study investigated the association between resilience and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among Brazilian victims of urban violence. It also compared defense mechanisms, parental bonding, and childhood trauma between those who developed PTSD and those who did not. Method...

Virginia Woolf, neuroprogression, and bipolar disorder

Family history and traumatic experiences are factors linked to bipolar disorder. It is known that the lifetime risk of bipolar disorder in relatives of a bipolar proband are 5-10% for first degree relatives and 40-70% for monozygotic co-twins. It is also known that patients with early childhood trauma pr...

Transtornos relacionados a traumas e a estressores

Medicina (Ribeiräo Preto); 50 (supl. 1), 2017
Os Transtornos relacionados a traumas e a estressores são quadros psiquiátricos relacionados a exposi- ção a um evento traumático ou estressante, resultando em sofrimento psicológico relevante, prejuízo social, profissional e em outras áreas importantes da vida do indivíduo. A apresentação cl...

Mothers who were sexually abused during childhood are more likely to have a child victim of sexual violence

Introduction: Recurrent exposure to childhood sexual abuse (CSA) seems to be higher among victims of sexual abuse. In this sense, experiences related to sexual violence can perpetuate within the family context itself in various ways. Here, we investigate the association between being exposed to CSA and h...

Associação entre trauma infantil, transtornos psiquiátricos e suicídio
Association between childhood trauma, psychiatric disorders and suicide

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais; 22 (supl.7), 2012
Algumas evidências da literatura sugerem associação entre traumas infantis e comportamento suicida. Motivados pela questão, “os pacientes psiquiátricos população com transtornos psiquiátricos que sofreram traumas na infância suicidam mais?” O objetivo foi realizar revisão sistemática sobre...