Results: 6

A feasible classification method of wet masses to predict pellet formation of powdered herbal slices

The aim of the current study was to explore the correlation between physical properties of wet masses and pellet quality by using powdered herbal slices as model drugs. Wet masses with 100 formulations were prepared by taking 20 kinds of powdered herbal slices as model drugs, microcrystalline cellulose a...

Effects of glutamine and alanine supplementation, in their free form or as dipeptide, on fatigue parameters of rats submitted to resistance training

Fatigue is defined as the inability to maintain muscle power and strength, impairing performance. Nutritional interventions have been used to delay this phenomenon, such as glutamine and alanine supplementation. These amino acids might attenuate several causes of fatigue, since they are important energy ...

Reduction of the DNA damages, Hepatoprotective Effect and Antioxidant Potential of the Coconut Water, ascorbic and Caffeic Acids in Oxidative Stress Mediated by Ethanol

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Hepatic disorders such as steatosis and alcoholic steatohepatitis are common diseases that affect thousands of people around the globe. This study aims to identify the main phenol compounds using a new HPLC-ESI+-MS/MS method, to evaluate some oxidative stress parameters and the hepatoprotective ...

A Comparison of the Effect of Chlorhexidine, Tap Water and Normal Saline on Healing Wounds

Int. j. morphol; 24 (4), 2006
Many researchers have advocated in recent times that antiseptic use in healing wounds should be discouraged. Antiseptics have been found to retard healing of wounds. Innocuous solutions like normal saline and tap water are being considered as better alternatives to antiseptics. Chlorhexidine, a commonly ...

Cuantificación espectrofotométrico de arsénico en aguas de consumo humano en la vertiente del rio Rimac

Se determinó que del total de muestras analizadas el 84.90 por ciento se encuentran sobre el límite permisible por la OMS (0.05 mg/lt). Se determinó, que no existe diferencia sustancial en concentraciones de arsénico como contaminante, en aguas de consumo humano que superan el nivel permitido entre: ...

Estudio de los peloides de la laguna de Huacachina

Del estudio físico-químico y bacterológico sobre el agua y peloides de la laguna de huacachina, se deduce: que según la característica química del agua de la laguna de Huachina ésta es sódico-clorurado-bicarbonatada, que los barros o peloides de la laguna de Huacachina se utilizan desde hace tiem...