Results: 2

El niño plateado: Síndrome de Chediak-Higashi

El Síndrome de Chediak-Higashi (SCH) es una patología de herencia autosómica recesiva debido principalmente a mutaciones del gen regulador del tráfico lisosómico (LYST), causando grados dermatológicamente diferentes de albinismo óculocutáneo, infecciones recurrentes, disfunción fagocítica ...

Molecular detection of albinism gene in Brazilian buffalo herds (Bubalus bubalis)

Pesqui. vet. bras; 39 (3), 2019
Albinism is a genetic disease characterized by deficient melanin production making affected animals more susceptible to skin problems, negatively influencing production systems of the same. In buffalo, a nonsense mutation (c.1431G>A) in the tyrosinase gene was already described, which is responsible f...