Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have important application value in the research of population genetics, hereditary diseases, tumors, and drug development. Conventional methods for detecting SNPs are typically based on PCR or DNA sequencing, which is time-consuming, costly, and requires complex in...
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) mutations in patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) from the Newborn Screening Service in Mato Grosso, Midwest Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study. The sample consisted of 19 PKU patients diagnosed by newborn screen...
Detection of Human T lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) Cosmopolitan subtype Transcontinental subgroup (Aa) and HTLV-2 subtype b in blood donors of Corrientes
Resumen Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico molecular en una población de 9.422 donantes de sangre de la provincia de Corrientes (noreste de Argentina), con el fin de determinar la prevalencia del virus linfotrópico T del humano tipos 1 y 2 (human T-cell lymphotropic virus: HTLV-1/2), de identifica...
Abstract Background: Mutations in sarcomeric genes are found in 60-70% of individuals with familial forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). However, this estimate refers to northern hemisphere populations. The molecular-genetic profile of HCM has been subject of few investigations in Brazil, particu...
Introducción: La resistencia a hormonas tiroideas (RHT) es un desorden genético de transmisión dominante poco frecuente, caracterizado por una respuesta reducida de los tejidos blanco a las hormonas tiroideas. RHT está ligada al gen del receptor beta de hormona tiroidea (TRβ). El síndrome se id...